Sharper Focus on QC Tech

Blog Optimization Part Deux

by David Schupbach
David Schupbach Senior  
Ok everyone, remember the post "Blog Optimization" wherein I described a 7 step system I was using to create traffic from scratch?

After I posted the system for you, I realized I need to create a working example. is my proof.

I started out with a brand new wordpress download, and in turn uploaded and installed it on my hostgator account. 

Then I took the 'Niche' keywords I had researched as described in the system, and built my blog around that theme.

Then I found a SEO company that had a free search engine submission tool, and entered the url of my blog, and let them submit for me.

Also, I monetized my blog for Google Adsense, (a failsafe way to get noticed by Google!)

Everything else I have posted about in my blog.

Did it work?

Well, I opened it on jan 24th and as of today, feb 2nd I have had over 1200 hits.  At this rate I should have over 3,000 by the end of Feb, but if it keeps increasing exponentially, the way it has been from the beginning, I may have 5,000 or more!

I originally intended to take my system and make an ebook I could sell, but this is turning out to be WAY more fun!

Plus, I really needed this site as proof the system works!  If you go to the site, you will find in one of the posts, a screen shot of the statistics from a couple of days ago, that will show you the growth rates.

I downloaded a free report from an internet marketer the other day where he was bragging about getting 1124 visitors to his website in his first month!  I did it in a little over a week!

  Guess I have been learning something after all!

Now, I don't know if all this will really be anything that will help all of you or not, but you are welcome to follow along, if it will help you get more traffic to your own blogs/websites!

I have missed you all, but this has taken up most of my spare time.  Now that I have gotten it up and running, maybe I will have a little more time to spend over here!

Feb 3rd 2008 02:10

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Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
That's GREAT news David! Keep up the good work.
Feb 3rd 2008 07:38   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Feb 3rd 2008 08:01   
Wendy Senior   
Way to go David

Now could you explain in detail how to monetize your webpage/blog??

Feb 3rd 2008 09:40   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Well done David - Now all I have to do is find the time to
do the same! :-)


Feb 3rd 2008 14:44   
David Schupbach Senior   
Thanks everyone!

What a day! (whine whine) lol
My wife left at noon yesterday to stay with a dear friend of hers who was hospitalized with pnuemonia. Not long after she left, I began having problems with my system, (it's old and cranky like me sometimes) and as soon as I got one thing fixed, something else would mess up.
At the same time, the front page on my blog site went to leaning to one side like a drunken sailor, due to some problems with the CSS coding.
At some point this AM I came here and replied to everyone, but I see it never showed up!

Wendy, I wrote about 3 paragraphs this morn in the comment that got lost, but basically, You want to start with google adsense more for the fact that it will keep google crawling your site than the few cents per click it will bring you. Those cents will add up later on when you are getting thousands of hits per day. (I had 261 today!)

A good way to start is affilliate programs. I haven't even gotten that far yet, I am just providing an information service!

NOTE THIS: (special tip for my friends)

!!!!!!!!!!!!GIVE SOMETHING AWAY FOR FREE AT FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Duh... you say? Well yeah probably, but when you are thinking of monetization, you have to reverse your perspective a little. Give your readers free information. Have a contest. Provide a free software link like I did in the blog optimization post. Have a 'refer a friend' reward. Provide them with links to whatever it is they are looking for. (resources)
When you do this it creates a friendship with your readers you can't get any other way. Then when you offer them a resonably priced product, you will have already created TRUST!

OK, I gotta go to bed. 4 hrs in 2 days is not enough! whimper! D
Feb 3rd 2008 23:52   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Awesome! Should be ready to test this before too long now....
Feb 4th 2008 20:34   
David Schupbach Senior   
Thanks G
Keep me updated!
Feb 5th 2008 05:00   
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