One of the very best resources that you have in your community is your public library. It is sad to say but many children are never given the opportunity to see what is available to them..... for whatever reason they do not go to their public library.I wrote a post one time about homes being "Print Rich". Spending time at the library is indeed time well spent. It does not get any better than when you are surrounded by wonderful stories and pictures on any topic you could possible imagine. Make a date to go to your public library, and do it often!

MATH...... learning math should be a natural thing to learn. We use it so often in our every day lives for everything... not just to balance our checkbook. Allowing children to learn math skills is a fun an interactive way maybe a way to TEACH them while they think they are simply playing a game. You can give your child a learning advantage with over 300 fun online games. The games not only are related to learning math but also reading as well offering many other lessons to choose from. K5 Stars is a website that is already being used by 1000's of students.

I happen to live in a very rural area so one the the website that I also like to talk about is My American Farm. Children love it and it develops not only reading and math skills but also teaches all about life on the farm. Growing, raising, feeding, selling, harvesting and everything in between!

Teaching your children about money is another thing that should be started at a very young age. This is a program that will help your child learn about money. It does not grow on trees as some of them think. Teaching Your Children About Money

You will find 10 free learning websites for kids here. I think you will find it hard to choose where to go first!

People learn in different ways.. but as the old saying goes.... "Give a man to fish and he will eat for a day... Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime."I know that I personally can do just about anything with a bit of guidance. If someone "tells" me how to do something my eyes normally just glaze over and I muddle along trying to figure it out on my own.. But if someone shows me HOW to do something..... either in person or written out and also have pictures you can bet that I will be able to follow along and "Just Do It"

What did we do before the internet? Young people have always had access to the world wide web so they do not know what it use to be like to actually have to Look, Search, Seek and FIND the answers. Now they simply Google It! I will admit I am guilty of that Google It too. But I also remember Looking, Seeking, Searching to Find the answers. I think that it may becoming a lost art with all of the technology that is so readily available to our youngsters today. Technology is a wonderful thing but it should be used in moderation. Children should learn things on their own as well as simply going to Google for the answer.

You should always be on the lookout for an opportunity to be able to teach your child something. Teaching can be spontaneous.... learning can be as well. Always keep your mind open for both!

You can find more articles on many other topics designed with children in mind at the website Kids and Goal Setting. The site is dedicated to teaching your children about visualization, goal setting, money and The Law of Attraction. I hope you will visit and empower a child that you know and love!

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