Knosas ltd, an Irish web2print company is entering into the Irish baby thank you card market. The company, started by John and Melissa Minahan will launched their first website, on June 1st.

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The site offers creative new styles and themes. The baby thank you cards are created by women and mom’s for moms. Pure hoopla has a selection of several hundred cards to choose from is various categories, including baby thank you cards, Birth Announcement Card, christening card, birthday cards, and personal stationary.

The site was designed for simple and easy card selection and creation. A new mom should be able to find a baby thank you card, or any card, that matches their style and color within a minute using knosas’s unique filtering system. Once a card is selected, they can easily add photos, edit text, select fonts and colors and place the order. The goal of the site is to offer great cards and a fun experience at a great price. Customers can also post their cards before they buy to their Facebook account to instantly share their experience with friends.

The quality of the cards is of the utmost importance as well as the shipping time. Once an order is placed, they are shipped and received within five days. “My wife Melissa is extremely focused on customer service. She is eight months pregnant herself with our second child so we know how important sharing this experience with friends and family is.” will ensure that the customer is always taken care of.

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