Have you ever heard of a mobile application treatment for Arthritis? It seems you have not heard of this existence/development. This unusual yet useful idea is the brainchild on a Mumbai-based physician, Dr. Shashank Akrekar.

Akrekar has developed an Android application for rheumatoid patients, which offer patients a flexible platform to store and use their medical data and also interact with doctors. Rheumatoid arthritis is a disorder that leads to inflammation of the joints and surrounding tissues.

According to the developer, it took six long months for the Android application development. The USP of this app is the fact; the application is developed after detailed research and suggestions of the patients (on his blog) from across the world. He also explained, though the app is highly catering to arthritis patients, there are features which particularly cater to Lupus patient.

Speaking about the application, the developer Dr Shashank Akrekar, said, "I have been working on this for the past almost six months. I sought help of tech experts. What is different about the app is that it was developed with suggestions of patients from world over on my blog as to what features would they like to be present in the app."

USP of Lupus Android Application:

The app has features like –

  • Acts as appointment reminder

  • Help preparing specific question

  • Stores medical history

  • Make notes of the medical advice by the doctors

  • Takes picture

  • Automatically stores and attaches image to the file in question

Patients with Android phone can use this interesting Android application. One can download the app free of cost.


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