I've finally come to realize that I'm not exempt from the "ole man" arthritis. I've been under the weather with severe stabbing pains on the left side of my neck. I went to a chiropractor who sent me to get a Cat-Scan.

What the C-Scan revealed is "loads and loads" of arthritis in my neck and spine. What a disappointment to know that ole "arthir" has chose my body to take up residence. Believe me when I say "arthritis is no respecter of persons."

I am now making visits to the chiropractor. Today will be my second treatment day. I am happy to say that I have had less pain since my first visit to the chiropractor and I am looking forward to less and/or "no" pain once I leave the chiropractor's office today.

My advice, take care of your body, it's the only one you will have on this earth. Take your supplements and choose to eat healthily now, while you have the opportunity to do so.

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