I have a blog that helps people lead healthier lives. I talk about my journey of learning about foods and how our health is directly linked to our foods. I just started it two weeks ago, so I'm just beginning to tell my story. I was a professional cook for 10 years so I learnt a lot about foods. I also like to garden and have learnt how much healthier freshly grown foods are compared to what you buy in the supermarket. I also help people clean up their homes of toxins by sharing my experiences using Shaklee products. I am a distributor for Shaklee as well and share the business oppoprtunity with whoever is interested.

On my blog, I share recipes as well as my experience with Shaklee's products that I've used. This week, I've shared about what is in our foods today. I talk about the chemicals that are used to "enhance" our foods and how it leads to obesity, liver damage as well as a host of other problems.


Please take a look at it and leave a comment. My blog is: http://brightfuture-helpingothers.blogspot.com

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