When it comes to male organ health, most men know the basics: wash well, wear protection and engage in frequent solo or partner play. If a man isn’t aware of factors that indirectly impact his male organ health, though, the more direct approaches will only do so much good. A healthy sensual life is key to mental and physical well-being, so men should make it a priority to educate themselves concerning the many ways in which they can promote a healthy manhood, which means knowing the habits that can harm the member.


Cigarettes are known for calming nerves, but they do so in a detrimental way. Chemicals in cigarette smoke actually damage nerves in the body and interfere with their ability to experience pleasurable sensations. That’s a big problem when it comes to the male organ.

But that’s not all. Cigarette smoke negatively impacts circulation. Performance health hinges on proper blood flow through the body, since tumescence is caused by blood rushing into the male organ. In studies, smokers have exhibited poorer tumescence quality than non-smokers. Quitting can reverse the damage. 


A night of heavy drinking can hamper a man’s performance strength by dampening his ability to sense pleasure. It can also interfere with the body’s ability to hold blood in the male organ for a strong tumescence due to alcohol’s effects on blood vessels. Chronic heavy drinking may inhibit proper male hormone production; this hormone is imperative for performance ability and sensual drive. Heavy drinkers also have a higher rate of depression, which is no good for the sensual drive. 

Poor dental hygiene 

Taking care of one’s teeth is not only important from an aesthetic standpoint; poor dental hygiene often corresponds with a buildup of bacteria caused by gum disease, and this bacteria gets into the blood stream where it damages blood vessels. In the male organ, this can translate to poor performance health as vessels are less capable of supporting proper circulation. 


A diet high in fats and sugars and low in nutrients doesn’t promote healthy circulation, and can mess with one’s energy levels. Follow the basics: plenty of fruits and vegetables of a variety of colors and lean proteins; limit fats and sugars. 

Lack of exercise 

Cardiovascular exercise is necessary for healthy circulation, as it works the heart to help it pump blood more efficiently. Sitting around all day can leave a man sluggish and, over time, in poor cardiovascular health. 

Excess exercise 

Guys who over-train by hitting the gym nearly every day, pushing themselves to the limit and beyond, may be damaging their sensual lives. That’s because those who over-train have an excess of the stress hormone cortisol in their bodies, and this hormone has an inverse relationship with male hormone; the more of the former, the less of the latter.

Avoiding these indirect male organ problem-causers requires no special effort, as these same factors lead to several other health problems as well. Avoiding them is part of a healthy lifestyle in general, so guys who attend to their overall well-being are likely covered in the male organ and sensual health areas.

There are several things guys can do for manhood health that involve the member directly. Along with the basics mentioned at the beginning above, a less obvious one is the use of a male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). This skin care product for men contains natural moisturizers to keep the manhood skin resilient against friction and chafing, as well as L-arginine, which promotes manhood blood vessel openness and, in turn, healthy blood flow. Using a product like this daily can give a man the extra boost he needs to feel good about what he’s got and know he’s treating it the best he can.

Visit http://www.menshealthfirst.com for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving organ sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy member. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites. 

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