I've been making a few observations here at APSense and have come to the conclusion that the real problem with this site has absolutely nothing to do with the owners decisions, nothing to do with groups, nothing to do with the direction the site is headed but everything to do with CONTROL. You see, we have several control freaks on this site that believe GOD went on vacation and left them in charge.


I expect a lot of flack from these personalities but I can handle them only because I was in the Mental Health field in another life, I'm not trying to diagnose anyone this is just an observation. You see, control freaks don't actually mean any harm they're just afraid. They attempt to control everything and everyone around them due to pure fear. They feel that if they can get you to their level of fear and anxiety that they have control of a situation and they couldn't be further from the truth.


They try to gather support for their little goals of control and unsuspecting people will just join in having no idea that they're playing along with this paranoid neurotic behavior, my personal thoughts are, if you have a problem with APSense as a whole and I don't, you always have a choice. In fact 3 choices to be exact:


1. Go somewhere and create your own site


2. Try to understand that the site is not yours and you call no shots but suggestions are always welcome.


3. Take your venom elsewhere and get the hell out.


This post could possibly get me banned but my motto is, there was a time when I didn't know APSense existed and somehow I survived, so do your worst. Never forget, if you throw a rock in a crowd of people, the only one that will hollar is the one who got hit.

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