Many times, we see articles on APSense with question marks instead of quotes.

"Here?s an example" should be written "Here's an example"

Also, most articles are either too short, or they are written with long paragraphs.

I'm too lazy to read articles that have long paragraphs.

I'm not telling to change your style. It wouldn't be you then.

Here are suggestions to improve your article, and any other that you write, IMHO :

  1. Separate your article into sections, by writing headlines here and there. You know what I mean, I guess. A headline can be bigger fonts, different colors, underline, bold. I don't know about other people, but I'm pretty sure they won't mind. As for me, I probably won't read the whole article, but if a headline catches my attention, I might read the paragragh(s) under it. I might then have something to say about it, and it won't be "great article" or some comment without substance.
  2. I guess you wrote your article in Word, or wordpad, or on your blog, then did a copy and paste. Nothing wrong with that, but for one thing. Where we should see the quote, we see a question mark instead. It happens all the time.
If that's the case, there are 2 options :

  1. You first copy your article in notepad, then here. If you do that, and you had put nice headlines like I recommended in point 1, you will lose the formatting and have to redo it
  2. You copy directly here, submit, then immediately edit the article to replace the ? with ' everywhere.
I know, it's a hassle. You don't have to change the ? for '.

To avoid that, you could write your article directly here. Unfortunately, as I write this, we can't save the article as draft. Not that it's much of a problem. You click "submit", then you edit the article.

About the ? instead of ', many people make that seem mistake. I suggest to them what I just suggested to you.

They say "ok, thanks" but don't edit their article.

Here's your chance to stand out from the crowd.

Don't boast about that change you will do. Just do it.

Sooner or later, serious marketers will notice you because of little things like that.

Next thing you know, they'll be the ones sending PMs to you, asking for advice.

You'll see, when it happens, it's a tremendous feeling of pride.

And you will know you deserve it. :)

One last thing : this article is a perfect example of "do as I say, not as I do". I haven't put nay headline in it.

Which reminds me, I will give you examples of the ways I put headlines when I do.


Bigger font

Same bigger font with bold

Big font and color

About colors, you know what ? Most of the time, I don't even bother to choose the exact same color for all the headlines.

If I choose red for the first headline, I will choose kind of the same red for the others. Or, I'm not too lazy, I will copy and paste my first headline and write the 2nd one, that way, they will be the same color.

This time, it's true, I have one last thing to say.

To see good examples of well presented articles, see what Cheryl ( pplcheryl ) does, or Genesis.

Here's a link to an article written this morning by Cheryl, titled

Professionalism-learn it and live it

The title of that article is very appropriate, BTW, isn't it ? :)

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