World Wide Monsanto Video Revolt campaign

Posted by Pete Balasch Jr.
Jun 18, 2013
Image Join Us If you think GMOs Should be Labeled.

Join Us If you think GMOs Should be Out Law ed.

This is a World Wide campaign to tell the world and Monsanto that we Have had enough.
bees are dying. Birds are Falling out of the air dropping dead is it mother Nature telling you there is something wrong? No Its Monsanto Screwing with mother nature and its not nice to mess with mother nature. But Like I was saying this is going to be a World Wide Event. Please do your part by letting others know or being an active One.

The Event is set for July 24th 2013 Lets do this!

Here in America The Land of the Almost Free I hate to say it have even more at Steak. We Need to Get our Rights Back Most Americans Are Sheep and Are going to let our USA Fall apart.

What Happened to the Home of the Brave They are Chickens waiting to be Roadkill
It just makes Me Sick. They think the Government is wanting to Protect you well Wake up Sheep you think your OK. You are for now but just wait or start Waking Up.

Speaking of Waking up. I have joined a Team Called Wake Up America You can earn money by letting others Know about Our Cause to Wake Up America. Wake Up America is about educating and Informing whats really going on with our rights. And as a Group we can wake up more Americans.

Here is a Link to the Monsanto Video Revolt campaign

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Join one of our team members on our wake up America Team Site. Are You a Good Writer? And Would you like to have your Articles on our team Blog Let us Know we welcome you.

Pete Balasch Jr
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