5 New Niche Social bookmarking Sites

they are Actually working quite well one of them is already listed on Google. Apsense as you know is a Great way to get your sites listed on the Search engines very quickly. Bookmarking on Social site's are Really Great for Google and Google will give you that Google Love for it. The Niche's that I made the sites for are Social networking web 2.0, Internet Marketing, Save our Gun Rights, Fishing and Crazy Unusual stuff. I hope you Like them I know you will get some powerful back links And as You know the more places you are linked too the better it is for your site as long as it is related. Make use of apsense its a very Powerful back link to your site also.
If you are a Niche Marketer or need your site bookmarked its free by the way check out my new Social Bookmarking sites Here:
5 New Niche Social bookmarking sites
Comments (3)
Rose Frankie
Internet eBusiness,
great 5 New Niche Social bookmarking sites
Pete Balasch Jr.
Internet Marketer Pod caster
Thanks Warren its a Great way to get some Google Love
Warren Contreras
Old Retired Guy
This is the best looking link I have put up in such a short time, great job Pete.