classified ads work

Posted by Pete Balasch Jr.
Apr 23, 2012
Image hi my name is Pete Balasch JR and I would like to tell you something very important and something that will really work for you. Did you know that classified ads work?

About 10 years ago I did not have a whole lot of money to advertise my Internet business and you know what I found out that classified ads really work. I started out posting three ads a day and in 30 days had over 90 ads pointing to my websites opportunity. And I ended up with over 18,000 members in my downline in less than six months.

The company I was promoting is long gone but I was making over $80,000 a year in income and was mostly from classified advertising. Classified advertising still works today and here's why.

Folks that go to classified ad sites are looking for an opportunity what does that tell you? Well truthfully this is one of my best kept secrets in my Internet marketing career. You see you advertise to folks that are looking to your advertisement it's a no-brainer.

I have started a new classified ad site and I would like to invite you to place an ad.
It costs nothing to place an ad. My advertising site is on an aged domain and has a page rank of one

Here is the URL my classified advertising site is powered by WordPress and is very well search engines optimized I invite you to advertise starting today!

Pete Balasch Junior
402-953-2584 Skype ID xyour925job
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Comments (3)
Todd B.

Learn How To Earn Money Online

Nice Pete Great thinking member ship site I like it and ill share it for U

Apr 23, 2012 Like it
Jennifer Underwood


Thank you so much Pete for your help!!!

Apr 23, 2012 Like it
Pete Balasch Jr.

Internet Marketer Pod caster

Thanks its fixed now

Apr 23, 2012 Like it
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