What is cultured ghee: A common query

Posted by Milkio Foods
Nov 12, 2020

What is cultured is all about its nutritional content. The most common question asked by people is about the specialty of cultured ghee. A cultured product is that which contains live culture. But while we speak of cultured ghee, it is slightly different. It is a super nutritious and health friendly probiotic product but contains no live culture.

The uniqueness of Cultured ghee

The main difference between ghee and cultured ghee is the manufacturing process. Ghee manufacturers use cultured butter to prepare cultured ghee while regular normal ghee is made by normal unsalted butter. Due to fermenting, the lactose present in milk gets converted into lactic acid. As a result the cultured butter which is used for  making cultured ghee, contains lactic acid and not lactose.

You must be thinking what is so special lactic acid. Let me tell you lactic acid is a wonder component that has numerous benefits. Lactic acid is 100% safe for lactose-intolerant and dairy sensitive people. Cultured ghee is completely lactose and casein free and so it is safe for lactose intolerant people. It has several health benefits.

Nutritional Facts of Cultured Ghee

After knowing what is cultured ghee, it is important to know the nutrition value of this unique dairy staple.

  1. Cultured ghee contains a higher quantity of butyrate in the form of butyric acid, which is a natural supplement of gut care.

  2. Just like regular ghee, cultured ghee also has vitamin A, D, E and K in it. These all are fat soluble vitamins, great for the overall body.

  3. Ghee contains K2 which takes care of our bones' health.

  4. Vitamin A is great for eyesight.

  5. We all know the role of vitamin E for smooth and glowing skin.

  6. Organic cultured ghee in diet helps in faster weight loss or managing weight in an easier way.

  7. Cultured ghee is absolutely safe for lactose-intolerant people as it contains zero lactose.

It is highly recommended that you use an organically certified cultured ghee like Milkio organic cultured ghee. Milkio’s cultured ghee is non-GMO and organic certified by BioGro, NZ, the leading organic product certifier of the country.

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