What Causes Migraines and the Top Migraine Treatment

Posted by jiva ayurveda
Oct 10, 2017
Migraine is a neurological syndrome that has become quite common these days. Well, Migraine can be characterized by altered bodily perceptions, nausea, severe pounding headaches and irritability. The headache or pain usually begins in the forehead, at the side of the head or around the eyes and then it gradually worsens. It has been noted that bright lights or loud noises can make the condition even worse for the migraine patient. The headache sometimes last for two hours but during acute conditions it lasts even up to two or three days.

Most of the people suffering from migraine claim that a certain change in the weather conditions, stress, alcohol and even certain kinds of food items are considered to trigger the Migraine attacks. Almost 50% of women say that their menstrual periods also happen to be a very significant trigger for migraine. To add on to the list, allergic reactions, exposure to loud noises, certain odors, smoking or prolonged exposures to computer screens/televisions could also trigger migraine attacks.

Ayurveda is a traditional way of treating any type of disease in India. Well, Ayurveda does not consider Migraine as a simple case of prolonged headaches. Ayurveda considers this condition has been caused by other deep-rooted problems which includes a sensitive nervous system and improper digestion.

Ayurveda believes that improper diet and lifestyle aggravates the Pitta in the body. When Pitta is aggravated it impairs digestion, leading to the production of digestive impurities. These impurities get stored in the mind channels, thereby becoming the root cause for the pains during migraine.

A sensitive nervous system decreases the energy in our body. Energy is the essence of all body tissues and it also provides strength to the nervous system and also the body. If you have a strong nervous system, you can fight against problems and carry on with your daily work with a healthy mind. Lowering of energy causes migraine.

Ayurvedic migraine treatment therefore deals with the pacification of Pitta Dosha, and also the restoration of digestive function in our body. There is a list of diet and life style tip that would help you deals with your migraine in the best way possible.

  • You must avoid hot, spicy foods, fermented foods, white sugar, white flour products and citrus fruits as they aggravate the Pitta in your body.

  • You must also drink more amount of water and eat fibrous food, fruits and vegetables and also whole grains.

  • You must avoid direct exposure to the sun, as migraine can be triggered by the heat of the sun.

  • You can also give yourself a head massage with Bhringraj Oil as it gives a calming effect to your nervous system.

But along with these you can also use these effective home remedies as they are also perfect for headache treatment:

  • If there is a burning sensation along with your migraine headache, you can apply a paste of ground clay or sandalwood powder mixed with rose water on your forehead it gives a cooling effect thus, calming your nerves.

  • In case your migraine headache is due to inflamed sinuses, you can inhale steam with vinegar added to the water this also cools the nerves.

  • You can also mix ΒΌ teaspoon of clove powder with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon oil and make a paste. You can apply this paste on the affected area for 20-30 minutes. This also cools down the nerves.

These are some of the treatments that you can opt for if you want to avoid any kind of side effects of the pain killers.
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