Different Ways of Obesity Treatment - Lifestyle Change and Obesity Surgery

Posted by jiva ayurveda
May 7, 2018
Obesity is one of the most common problems humans are facing now. According to Ayurveda the aggravation of kapha in the body leads to weight and fat gain. Kapha controls a lot of functioning of the body but when gets aggravated it produces toxins which are heavy and dense and harm the body big time. In most cases of obesity, human beings have just got themselves to blame. Consumption of oils, stuffy, fast and junk food leads to this problem.

That is why in the obesity treatment it is recommended that a person should minimize the consumption of carbohydrates and include the foods full of fiber. The simple fundamental for obesity is just that, whatever you eat, if eaten in excess, the body will store it for future use. If the consumption of calories is more and burning is less, then the fat in the body increases. Consuming the right kind of food at the right time in right quantity is the perfect way to lead the life but people these days does not seems to understand this.

Obesity also increases the risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes etc. which can land you in problems, big time. Here are some of the ways through which you can fight obesity and become fitter -:

Improvement in lifestyle

Well, if you are looking to become fitter, there are certain changes that you have to make in your day to day life. You have to be conscious about whatever you are eating and drinking. There should be a proper account you must maintain of what you are eating and drinking. Also the timing is very important, you should not eat at odd times and avoid eating heavy meals after 8PM. Our body has a set mechanism and whenever you break it, you will suffer. Also try and add some physical work in your life. If you can fetch out time for some exercise, that would be great. Stretching and running in parks are one of the best exercises for people suffering from obesity. By exercising, your burning process will start. Try to take full sleep and stay away from tension and stress as much as you can. Anxiety and stress are one of the major causes of obesity.

Lose weight by Diet

Losing weight is an effort of 70% of right diet and 30% of exercise. So whatever you eat does have a severe impact on your body structure. That is why eating the right kind of food is of immense importance. Add ingredients like lemon and honey in your diet which will help you in losing weight. You should avoid taking meals filled with a lot of carbohydrate such as white rice, sugar, salt and potatoes. When carbohydrates are consumed in a larger quantity, it is difficult to burn them with exercise so consumption should be considered while eating. Add bitter gourd and oatmeal to your diet which are slow digesting carbohydrates with fiber. Drinking the right amount of water is also necessary to keep the body hydrated at the same time as well.

Lose weight by natural ayurvedic treatment

Kutki Capsules

Ayurveda has answer to obesity. The kutki capsule balances the pitta and kapha doshas in the body and helps the liver to function in a better way. It helps in rejuvenation of the body and prevents diseases like obesity and diabetes. If you are looking to lose weight, these capsules will surely help you.

Aam Pachak Churna

Aam pachak churna helps to cure digestive disorder and provide strength to the digestive system. It boosts up the metabolism and also provide relief from gas and helps in weight loss. 

You can buy these ayurvedic medicines online from best ayurvedic center in India.
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