Treatment of Cerebral Palsy with Stem Cells
Stem cells are known to be the mother cells, present inside the human; giving rise to many tissue specific cells at different stages of human development. They are present as a reserved quota in many different mature organs of the body throughout the life of a human being. These cells come in picture, whenever the body is in crisis and can give rise to many cells of different origin; depending on demand. Due to this extensive property of stem cells, they have been given utmost importance as precursor cells in the regenerative medicine; to treat variety of deadly diseases, for which no treatment is available currently. Scientists, all over the world; have developed extensive techniques to utilize the regenerative power of these magic cells to transplant into damaged tissue to restore their lost function back. This has worked out mainly for all the types of neurological indications.
Cerebral Palsy can be referred to as umbrella term for different types of brain injury; which can lead to neuromotor impairment of the brain. The occurrence of CP has often been related to many congenital issues such as infection, premature child birth, lack of oxygen during pregnancy, etc. It has been studied that many times CP is occurred due to lack of blood and/or oxygen to the brain during the fetal development or at the time of delivery. Further to prove this, scientists have confirmed that in CP children, blood vessels carrying blood to the motor neurons are blocked during development; leading to the damaged myelin sheath acting as an insulating material for neurons. Because of this damage, neurons die due to easy exposure to outer shock. Thus, with the progression of disease, neurons are easily degraded stopping the passage of information from brain to different organs of the body that are mainly involved in locomotion. Varieties of clinical studies have shown that if myelin sheath is replaced or regenerated before the neuronal cells damage; the motor neuron impairment can be minimized.
Currently, no conventional treatment options are available for CP except for some rehabilitative approach such as physiotherapy, speech therapy, etc. but these approaches can never alter neurological damage or stop the progression of the same. Whereas, cell based regeneration has been found to be a promising option by making fair improvement in all brain related diseases. Application of stem cells based treatment has identified to make better improvement in brain function by restoring damaged nerve cells. Mesenchymal stem cells isolated from the autologous sources such as bone marrow as well as adipose tissues are evidently known to exhibit better neurogenic cellular differentiation to make up the damaged neurons. These mesenchymal stem cells are important for producing tissues of the skeletal, muscular as well as circulatory system. The cells isolated from these sources are as well known to have anti-inflammatory and angiogenetic properties to reduce the preliminary inflammation and allow the formation of blood vessels for the better paracrine effects.
Although, there is a huge difference between the bench work for experimentation and what should be done in the hospital to speed the process of recovery.
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