Treatment of ALS with Stem Cells
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, commonly known to be ALS is a devastating, degenerative disorder mainly as a result of progressive, neurodegeneration. In a simpler language, ALS is a brain disease caused due to slow and steady death of brain cells known to be neurons mainly in area of brain and spinal cord.
Epidemiologically, every year two new ALS cases have been reported, among 1 million populations. This growing incidence of the disease has created an urgent need to define a treatment approach based on cellular regeneration of lost neurons to restore back the damaged brain function.
Brain is the chief operating system of human body, responsible for its total control and coordination. It is able to manage the said function with its strong networking power, the brain cells. These are the leading cells responsible for passing down the information from brain to different muscular parts of the body via spinal cord. These cells are thus known to be the motor neurons. Due to various risk factors such as protein flakes generation, genetic manipulation or other environmental science; the passage of information is severely halted leading to the major neuronal damage. This stoppage of information can weaken muscle, involved in the voluntary movements. This is why, 90% of ALS Treatment cases face complete paralytic positions and death due to respiratory failure.
As of now, there is no effective treatment solution for ALS patients. It has been rectified that almost more than 90% of the ALS, are due to genetic manipulations in combination with environmental factors; whereas approximately 10% of the cases are due to familial distribution of potent genes. This diversity is actually confirming the fact that only few cases can be managed with the help of some of the latest technology such as stem cells treatment. In recent years, the quantum leap of technology in stem cells biology has enabled the production of tissue specific cells and their potential applications in restoring back the lost function of the organ. Thus, in case neurodegenerative disorders such as ALS, the stem cells can be successfully used to regenerate many neuronal cells; which care either lost or damaged. Additionally, the anti-inflammatory, angiogenetic properties of these mysterious stem cells can as well be helpful in further stopping the progression of damage considerably.
These stem cells have observed to be present in abundance within the patient’s own body. Till today, in case of autologous sources, bone marrow and adipose tissue; are known to be the apt choices for combining hematopoietic stem cells with mesenchymal stem cells. Both the types of stem cells have different applications, hematopoietic stem cells can be helpful in regulating body’s immune system to stop the progression of the damage, possess angiogenic properties to supply more amount of oxygen rich blood to the vital parts of the body such as brain; whereas mesenchymal stem cells are known to get easily differentiated into nerve cells as well as other supporting cells to accelerate the outcome.
Thus, with the help of data available so far; it has been proven to have profound implications for dramatically increasing the effectiveness in treating ALS patients with the help of stem cells treatment.
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