Autism treatment in India with best therapies and perfect care!

Posted by Dr Utkarsh Mishra
Apr 3, 2016

In Autism, the parts of brain fails to function properly. Basically it is a genetic disorder, which affects one by birth. Because of this disorder, the affected person lacks in proper behavior manner simultaneously. Though the causes of this upset problem is still not clear, different experts had different opinions over this issue. Few symptoms to detect whether a toddler is affected with Autism are given below-

1)      The speaking age of toddler gets delayed by an average expected time.

2)      “Deafness”, one of the common symptom.


Aside from anxiety and despair, intelligence which is less than normal is also a symptom of Autism disorders.

Mainly there are three major areas where child’s life gets affected are: - 

1) Social interaction, 

2) Communication style both nonverbal and verbal, 

3) Behavior & Interests.

Autism Treatment in India are conducted with full swing with so many centers offer various conduct. Behavior practice is one of the most important tool which is being taken care of in centers. Children are being taught with special skills. Communication with family and nobles is what priority teachings. Therapies such as physical and speech therapy is included and a part of treatment required for the sufferers. Obsessive compulsive disorder or OCD is also gets to see in autism children.  The treatment offers to the patient is varied and depends on the symptoms of affected child. One of the better way to get your child familiar with normal terms are getting her/him mix with family, relatives or some1 whose situation is similar. More of communication helps in handling patient feel better and ease to the daily life after initial discomfort. If both the parents are working, hire a trained teacher who can handle your child with care and love when you are not around. Medically it is believed that child carry Autism, on mother’s womb itself. Generally the symptoms of the Autism starts before 3 years of age. It is not necessary that affected person responds by name or pointing at some object, thought reactions are different in person to person. Tactics such as physiotherapy, enhanced communication, focus and concentration are few affective behavior therapies which is needed for autism patient.

With the help of stem cell treatment brain disorder can be treated to the extent that you will find remarkable improvement. The characteristic indications are different and varied from one to another. The main problem which is noticeable among these type patients are nonverbal and verbal communications and often engaged in unusual behavior. With multiple causes of autism, researchers are finding the right cause behind this deadly disease, a combination of environmental and inherent transmutation.

Summary- A major disorder of brain named Autism, takes place in small babies. This syndrome occurs from mother’s womb and its causes are multiple. Advanced parental age is also considered as one of the factor that is responsible for this ailment. Though there is no proper cure as of date, with the help of stem cells one can get a better treatment with combination of regular therapies. 

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