Tips to save iPhone battery from Swelling up and what to do with Bloated Battery?

Posted by Kulminder Singh
Sep 7, 2020
Battery, Screen, Iphone

Battery to phone is what oxygen to humans. Without it, survival is not possible. This is why one must take care of the phone’s battery and if it is an iPhone, a bit more added care and attention is required. This is the same thing that every service center in Central Delhi and the rest of the world would suggest to you. 

 iPhone is a pricy gadget and one must not turn a blind eye towards the basic maintenance that it requires. If you overlooked it, your iPhone’s battery will die soon then its expected life and you need to spend some more bucks to get an original one. 

Why face so much hassle? With our experts’ iPhone battery maintenance tips, you can save your iPhone battery from swelling up. Scroll down to more everything about the swollen iPhone battery. 

What Makes iPhone Battery Swollen?

A swollen iPhone battery is the sign of outgassing, a condition caused by overcharging, damage, or simple wear and tear. All these situations lead to a chemical reaction inside the iPhone’s battery that breaks down it and outputs gas. 

This is a serious and needs your instant attention.

The moment you notice signs like a hazy white screen, the separation between the screen and the phone body, squishiness of the screen, and changes in the battery shape, you must ask for iPhone repair in Delhi. 

Ignoring these signs for a long time can damage your pricy and fancy gadget. It may die soon. There have been incidents where swollen iPhone battery caught fire. Obviously, you don’t want to face this situation. Do you? 

How to prevent the iPhone Battery from Bloating or Swelling?

The outcomes of a swollen iPhone battery seem scary. But, there is always a ray of hope. Here are some tips that can save your iPhone battery. 

Maintain ideal temperature 

Not only us, but your iPhone battery also years for an ideal temperature. It has been designed to perform par excellently in 62° to 72° F (16° to 22° C). This is the ideal comfort zone for your iPhone’s battery. So, if you want to prevent iPhone’s battery from swelling up then try to maintain this temperature range around your iPhone. Never let the temperature around it exceed from 95° F (35° C). 

Remove the case while charging

Some sort of iPhone cases can trap the heat in them which is not a good thing. It affects the battery capacity and makes it heat up soon. So, remove the case when you’re charging your iPhone. 

Run your iPhone in low power mode 

This mode is a real-savior as it helps you save tons of iPhone battery and control its usages. When less battery would be discharged, you have to charge less which maintains battery health by all means.  

Try to use Wi-Fi whenever possible 

Using a phone’s internet connection consumes more phone battery. So, try to use a Wi-Fi connection wherever it’s possible. 

Make sure that you’re using the latest iOS version 

Running your iPhone on an outdated version of iOS will only hamper battery performance and life. So, update the version as soon as you get notifications for the same. 

Use the right kind of settings 

Running apps in the background, keeping brightness high, using Bluetooth all the time, and keeping the phone on vibration mode are some practices that tend to consume more and more phone batteries. All these practices should be changed if you want to keep the iPhone’s battery in its pink health for long time. 

All these tips will surely help you save your iPhone’s battery from swelling up. 

But, what if it has already happened? Well, in that case, this is what you should do. 

Take the help of a reliable Apple service center in Central Delhi

If your iPhone’s battery is bloated or swollen up, it’s time to replace it. But, don’t have to try your hand on it. iPhone is a delicate device that needs expertise and excellence to handle. Only a reliable iPhone repair Central Delhi center like FixMyMobile has it all. 

They have a whole team of highly-seasoned and skilled iPhone professionals who knows the nitty-gritty of iPhone battery replacement. Take their help and have ultimate peace of mind. 

Use only an original battery 

When you need iPhone repair in Delhi for bloated iPhone batter, make sure that you’re using only the original iPhone battery. Using counterfeit products will only make things worse for you and there won’t be an end to your misery.  

Final words 

Allowing your precious iPhone to run over an outdated, tattered, and swollen battery is the injustice of the biggest kind. Your iPhone deserves nothing but best. 

FixMyMobile is a highly trusted and famed Apple service center in Central Delhi that has fixed many iPhone batteries as of now. The service center has experts for this job who accomplish is with full conviction. Don’t worry. Here, you’ll only get quality and pocket-friendly assistance. So, give your iPhone the pleasure of a healthy battery with FixMyMobile. 

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