Tips to boost up your outbound telemarketing campaign

Posted by Graham Smith
Aug 16, 2017

Outbound telemarketing has turned out to be a widely adopted tool for marketing in the last few years. The penetrative power of telemarketing is amazingly high. A company can reach out to the potential client bases from a remote area, even from a different country. Herein lies the advantage of outbound telemarketing. International business firms can create their client bases in other countries even without visiting them. From informing the target audience to persuading them to buy the product, telemarketing can create wonders. In the competitive market conditions, it is necessary to adopt the marketing mechanism and harvest its benefits. However, a large section of companies have failed to generate the desired response from their customers through telemarketing.

According to various surveys and studies, the causes of this dismal performance lie in the failure to follow reliable communication methodologies with the target customers. Certain trained and authentic methodologies and outbound calling strategies are necessary to make outbound telemarketing a success. If you incorporate the right policy, chances of success are promising.

Read on to know 6 practical ways by which you can make your outbound telemarketing a success.

Well-defined sales script works wonders

It is a misconception among certain novice telemarketers in some of the BPO call center companies that the conversation between them and the target audience can become mechanical and robotic if they follow a script. Others put forward the argument that one cannot counter unexpected questions or arguments in case they follow a script. However, you might have a script ready for each of the probable questions that the customers are likely to ask. It makes their approach more professional and effective. While drafting the script, attention has to be paid to ensure that all possible questions that can be asked by the customers are covered. Every new customer interaction gives you more idea about the concerns they have and are likely to have in future. Based on the same, you can keep on expanding your script.

Foster your values

The efforts to foster and develop your values will help you to secure a place in the minds of the customers, especially in case of B2B Telemarketing Services. These strategies are widely being adopted by a lot of telemarketers. The conversation needs to be guided by values in order to convince the customers. Therefore, a telemarketer should make value-centric conversations while approaching the target masses. Most of the time, the telemarketers try to impose their ideas on the customers without listening to their opinions. Instead, they should let the customers speak, listen to them and then explain his view according to the situation. This will help both sides come to a conclusion logically. Also, your customers stay comfortable when you give me enough breathing space.

Avoid multitasking during calls

This is a basic professional value associated in regard of outbound telemarketing services that every telecaller must abide by. While they are on calls, it is necessary for them to divert their full attention towards the client. Multitasking degrades the qualitative aspects of the calls, thereby reducing the chances for the customer to get convinced. In order to yield effective results from telemarketing, one needs to avoid these unprofessional acts. They should foster the relations with customers with care, so the entire energy should focus on the conversation. Most of the time, tele callers are found to update data about customers in the CRM during the conversations. They should avoid doing such activities and prioritize the importance of calls.

Give time to your customers

A purchase is a decision-oriented process, it is guided by thought and judgement. You cannot simply force a person to pay for your products simply because you want to sell them. The customer needs to understand the utility of the product, assess whether he really needs it or not and come to the purchase decision. It is unprofessional to force a customer to buy a product right on the first call. You need patience for the process. Therefore, it is necessary to give enough time to the customer and allow him to think if he wants to buy your product.

Follow up the customer at the right hour

As a continuation of the earlier process, you need to follow up the customer at the right hour. Do not keep on ringing him up, it will make him think that you are pushing too much to sell your product. Call him back at the right time and seek his opinion. The customer should receive enough time to ponder over his decision and you will get his answer when you follow him up.

Do not make unrealistic promises

Honesty lies within the very basics of telemarketing. Do not lure your customers by making unrealistic promises. It may help you to achieve a few sales in the initial stages, but ruin the reputation of your company in the long run. Stick to the facts and use your marketing skills to convert the leads to sales. This is where the trick lies.

You must have realized that telemarketing is an art and you need to incorporate certain skills and ethics within yourself. Hopefully, these tips will help you to empower your telemarketing policy. Telemarketing can boost up your business if you follow the right strategy. There are a lot of telemarketing companies for small business to whom you can outsource your outbound call center services related requirements. However, to assure that you avail quality call center services, make sure that you associate with the best telemarketing company.

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