Posted by Ricky Martin
Jul 21, 2020
PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) is the substance that is produced by combining ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid. The pellets of PET are heated into a molten liquid, which in the end can take up any shape. PET is a type of polyester that is molded into various shapes of plastic bottles, containers and other plastic products.

PET has been proven safe by FDA and many health authorities around the world. It is suitable to be used for food and beverage packaging without any harmful affects to health and safety of the individuals. Extensive studies and testing of PET proved it to be safe. Studies have found no toxic elements on the PET bottles and the containers. Further it has been proven that PET poses no health risk. PET doesn’t react with the stored food and beverages. It has a resistant property against the micro organisms.

PET is highly sustainable and can be recycled too. It can be recovered over and over again. It can be used again back into containers and bottles to pack food items, beverages, pharmaceutical products and other consumer goods. The PET can be used again into clothing fibers (known as polyester), construction materials, industrial items, automobile parts, and various other useful items. Huge amount of bottles, containers and other products made of PET are collected and recycled. These total PET products can be recycled and converted into any required shape. Pharma PET bottle manufacturers are able to create quality packaging products and produce customized shape according to the requirements.

PET bottles can be used for single as well as repeated times. It is a misconception that reusing will affect the quality or degrade the quality of the recycled product. It is a stable material which doesn’t get degraded biologically or chemically with use. The regulatory authorities have studied and tested the PET products and have found no harmful materials that can impact our health and safety negatively.

The process of breaking down PET into raw materials can be done through a series of special washing process or can be done by a chemical treatment. These converted materials are purified again, so that it is safe to re-use. Some recycling companies only accept bottles when they see the mark of chasing arrows surrounding the number 1. The recycled and conversion of PET materials into high grade products proves that PET is highly sustainable and environment friendly packaging material.

The impact of PET on the environment is comparatively less as compared to other packaging materials like glass, aluminum and other materials. The production, packaging and even the recycling process is remarkably energy efficient. As the material is very strong and lightweight, the packaging made of PET can be easily transported from one place to another.

Author’s Bio:

The article highlights that PET products are safe to use and highly sustainable as it doesn’t affect the environment negatively.

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