The Do’s and Don’ts of Managing Acne Scars

Posted by Andy Cheng
Nov 27, 2020

You may notice depressed scars and uneven skin texture may form after a severe acne breakout. For some people, acne breakout can heal nicely without forming any scars. However, some unfortunate people may notice that after their acne heal, the scars may form, leaving permanent marks on the face.

It’s a good idea to understand the types of acne scars and how you can manage them.

Types of acne scars

First you have the ice pick scars that are very deep and they look like the skin was basically punctured with an ice pick. Then you have the boxcar scars and these tend to be boxier and broader when compared to the ice picks. Rolling scars seem to be valleys and tiny hills with smooth edges. Hyperpigmentation is discoloration or dark spots that are caused by the acne-related inflammation. And then there are also combination scars. These are basically a mix of acne scar types which can be quite hard to deal with due to that reason alone.

Tips on Improving Acne Scars

Dealing with acne scars is not as hard as you might imagine. There are some great ways to eliminate this type of problem naturally, and you should totally give those a shot.

Regular exfoliation is a very good idea. It allows you to improve the skin texture naturally and it will also boost the cell growth in meaningful ways.

Then you have the option to use oil-based treatments. There are many types of oil like olive oil that are very good for helping your skin deal with inflammation and that alone makes them very good in such a situation.

You can also go with peeling gel for home use. This helps you peel the damaged skin naturally and it can bring in astounding results and great success. Then you can also opt for some topical retinoids if you want, which bring a similar effect. In addition, you can go with steroid creams, silicone sheets and microdermabrasion. All of them are great options to take into account, so try to give them a shot at the very least. They might actually help you deal with your acne scars naturally.

Medical treatments

Sometimes the skin treatments don’t work the way you want. The best thing you can do at this time is to figure out some medical alternatives. In this case you can use the amazing INFINI treatment or Genius acne scar treatment that are extremely good at removing scars naturally and with great success. In addition, the PICO laser option is great because it’s fast and non-intrusive, exactly what you need from this type of treatment. Then there’s the CO2 Skin Resurfacing Laser. This latter option comes with a laser that will focus energy on the surface of your skin. And it’s very good at removing all scars quickly.

All of these are amazing options if you want to eliminate those unwanted acne scars. It might take a bit of time to find the right treatment that suits your needs, but it will be well worth the effort!

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