The boiling point of vegetable oil vs ghee oil: Why is ghee the smarter choice?

Posted by Mitun Mukherjee
Apr 21, 2022

We all are aware of the uses of cooking oils. Whether they are vegetable oils, coconut oil, sesame oil, or olive oil, all of them are different from each other. Now coming to the boiling point of vegetable oil vs ghee oil. Ghee is a healthy dietary fat made from grass-fed milk butter, while vegetable oils are extracted from various seeds. Vegetable oils contain enough amounts trans fats which are not safe for our overall body and mind. 

Ghee is much more beneficial in nature than vegetable oils. It has more antioxidants and fat-soluble vitamins to cleanse the body. Ghee smoke point is 485 degrees Fahrenheit which is higher than most other cooking oils. The boiling point is just the previous stage of the smoke point of the oil. For example, the ghee boiling point is 482 degrees Fahrenheit.

The boiling point of vegetable oil will help in understanding how much it is stable against a certain temperature. Ghee has a long shelf-life and it is much better for everyday cooking. Cooking with ghee reduces the risk of generating free radicals in the body. Low smoke point cooking oils burn easily producing nonstop bluish smoke. Replace vegetable oils with ghee oil for a better cooking experience  

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