The Best Practices for Enterprise App Development In 2016
Even if we are living a hectic life, businesses are moving at rapid face and are indeed demanding the implementation of enterprise mobile app development. Apps are the single answer for multiple requirements related to business-computing.
Modern Trends – Create app through RMAD
Businesses need solutions to get competitive advantage over rivals. They want quick roll-out of their app solutions. It has given rise to the term called Rapid Mobile App Development or RMAD. When it comes to enterprise mobile app development using RMAD method, developers use code-free programming tools which help them creating apps as quickly as possible. This is a tried and tested method to get a MVP with good enough features and functions. The method can by applied for both internal and customer facing apps.
the Bimodal IT
Observe it closely and you will notice that businesses around the world have been creating a strong requirement for apps and yes, it is not easy for a single enterprise app development company to fulfill it. There is a new practice defined as Bimodal IT - the practice of managing two separate, coherent modes of IT delivery, one focused on stability and other one on agility.
The mode 1 - traditional and sequential, emphasizing safety and accuracy
The Mode 2 - exploratory and nonlinear, emphasizing agility and speed
With them developers are expecting to bridge the gap between demand and capacity.
The best practices
When it comes to choosing an app development methodology, there are more than one variant such as RMAD, MbaaS, cloud based system etc. Any confusion related to choosing the best practice can be overcome by following the most suitable practice for particular project.
Apps development can be prioritized
Gartner says that there is still a lack of value-driven prioritization for the development of business or enterprise apps. By this way a lot of apps have been created but most of them have been proved to be inefficient. Now developers need to learn the efficient use of IT resources. Apps should be created for prioritized requirements, not on a first come first serve basis.
Build apps that are smart and lightweight
When you build an app, everybody thinks of it to be smart but light in weight. Developers need to use such techniques which keep the size of app light even if there is need of implementing complex functionalities.
app for single problem
An app should solve single problem. Do not process with an app idea which is aimed at doing as many tasks as possible. If you have two different tasks for a single business, do not make single app; instead make to two different apps.
Stress on security and functionality
You need to give heavy stress on security issues so that users can be assured that none of their information will be compromised while they are using the app.
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