Does your business also need a mobile app?

Feb 10, 2016

The fame of mobile app development has gone past our thoughts. Its acceptance is gifting us apps for smartphones and tabs. With millions of app across stores, these smart devices have almost surpassed PC. It influences businesses which have now begun to take mobile apps seriously as well as planning how they can bring themselves to mobile platforms. In result, they are partnering with mobile app development companies to implement their mobile app ideas.  

The growing acceptance of smart devices and apps has of course created a question in minds of business owners: Do you they need a mobile app development for business procedures? And the answer for this question often comes as yes. So every business regardless of its types of size may need a mobile app if it wants to take the advantages of today’s online world.

It seems people have begun to ditch PCs for most of the general purpose computing tasks like emailing, surfing web, browsing web services, shopping and purchasing goods. They buy smart devices in place of PCs. More than two third of smartphone users said in a survey that they cannot carry on without their devices. In the same survey, one-third of users spent their time on mobile devices in accessing social sites.

As of a record of 2012’s Christmas, more than 17 million smart devices were activated. It proves that more and more people around the world use mobile devices routinely and during special occasions. They use their devices for a variety of purposes.

Smart devices are still referred as third or fourth screen computers but the time is very close when these devices would be used as first and the only computing screen. People around the world use mobile devices as first screen to complete a number of routine operations.

We can easily understand the value of this information by the fact that about half of the users from countries like Norway, Sweden, Australia, UK, UAE and Saudi Arabia are nowadays using smartphones and tablet PCs.

More than 64% percent phone users from the countries like, Switzerland, Ireland, Denmark, New Zealand, Netherlands, and U.S. own smartphones. About 83 percent users from the USA do not leave home without their smart devices. With time the figure will increase and naturally generate more opportunities for app development.

The stats show that people over the world are using smart devices in a variety of purposes. Today, it is possible to design, develop and implement with such features that we could not even think about in past 

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