Do You Need Speeding up Your WordPress Website or Blog?

Mar 17, 2016
Image Is your WordPress based site getting slower? The slowness may distract users who may stop using it because of its speed. You would not like to lose users because of pages are not loading up. And at your end, it may be frustrating when you are creating a new page but images aren’t uploading or, are consuming too much time.

Also, if your site is loading slower, it may also affect its ranking in Google and other search engines. Google ranks higher to those sites which are faster in speed. So I have made clear the problems that may be caused by the slowing WordPress sites and now here are the cases and the solutions accordingly.

But before you try the solutions, you need to give a speed check to your site. Here are three good tools providing excellent overview for free. These issues may also help WordPress developer who hear from clients that the site is getting slower.

·       Google PageSpeed Insights

·       Pingdom Website Speed Test

·       WP Engine Speed Test

1. Cache

Cache can cause speed issues. Every visit on your site will require WordPress accessing databases, reading code and then producing the requested page. It generates cache and with too much cache, site can slow down.


Thankfully, there are caching plug-ins available. The best of them is W3 Total Cache. The plug-in saves a version of your website in the databases. By this way page is served very quickly and caches-caused issues can also be avoided.

2. Images

Images are compulsory part of a webs page. Whether it’s a blog or website, images make it more attracting. Often time, people running blogs are not aware of image resolutions and thus they do not optimize them for website which results in slowing down the page load time.


To avoid this situation there are plug-in like WP Smush that automatically resize images and compress them to load faster.

3. Backend

A WordPress site having a lot of information in its database may clog up itself and make it slow. Stuffs like unapproved comments, post revisions and post trashes may cause this issue. They can make the blog slower in long run.


The Plugin WP-optmise can be used to clear the database of the site. It may help you improve the speed of back end of a WP site.

4. Hosting

Hosting can also affect your WordPress website’s speed. If you are using shared hosting, it may cost you cheaper but overall speed can be slowed down.


The only solutions to the problem caused by hosting is that you shift the site to dedicated server or chose a managed WordPress hosting services like WB engine.

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