That "Thing" Known as Karma....
I want to tell you a story about my
friend Eleanor
and Karma. We have all heard...
What goes around comes around
Treat others as you would like to be treated
Those saying go on and on.
To me they all deal with the "thing" I refer to
as karma.
My friend Eleanor has a very special karma. She
is just a truly wonderful person, in everyway shape and
form. I never knew anyone not to love her to bits.
Something about her you just couldn't help but love her.
I met Eleanor many many years ago while we were
both working at a restaurant outside of Lansing, Michigan
called, The Pour House.
Eleanor was as older woman, in fact she had a daughter
just a bit older than me, Patty.
The moment I met Eleanor we became instant friends.
Eleanor is the only person in the world I know of
who could say to her table of 8...
"what are you a bunch of savages?" and get away with it.
I'll save that one for a different post.
But I have to tell your about a night that we were invaded
with prom kids. The boys all looked so handsome and of
course the girls all tried to out do each other. All were on
their best behavior.
Eleanor had a table of 6, 3 couples. At the end of the meal
and the bills were presented there was quite a bit of snickering
a lot of whispering and hushed chatter. After much shuffling
2 of the coupes left, and only one couple remained. The girl was
digging in her purse but something was clearly wrong.
As they were sliding out of the horse shoe shaped booth
Eleanor approached the table and asked the kids if everything
was OK? Out of the corner of her eye she could see her tip that
being left by this last couple... it was change as in pennies nickels
and dimes.
Eleanor asked the 2 kids if this was all the money that had
for the rest of the night, and the young man sheepishly said, "yes."
This young couple were then taught a lesson in a way only my
friend Eleanor could teach it. Eleanor picked up the changed
that had been left as a tip and the bill too.She told these children that this
should be a night to remember and when planning things like this
you should always try to be prepared for the unexpected, She went onto
say that they were leaving all of their money with nothing to spare and
the night was still young. There was not even any left to buy a Coke
She told the kids to have a wonderful night and enjoy themselves
and that she would take care of the bill. The kids walked out of the
restaurant in disbelief.
and Karma. We have all heard...
What goes around comes around
Treat others as you would like to be treated
Those saying go on and on.
To me they all deal with the "thing" I refer to
as karma.
My friend Eleanor has a very special karma. She
is just a truly wonderful person, in everyway shape and
form. I never knew anyone not to love her to bits.
Something about her you just couldn't help but love her.
I met Eleanor many many years ago while we were
both working at a restaurant outside of Lansing, Michigan
called, The Pour House.
Eleanor was as older woman, in fact she had a daughter
just a bit older than me, Patty.
The moment I met Eleanor we became instant friends.
Eleanor is the only person in the world I know of
who could say to her table of 8...
"what are you a bunch of savages?" and get away with it.
I'll save that one for a different post.
But I have to tell your about a night that we were invaded
with prom kids. The boys all looked so handsome and of
course the girls all tried to out do each other. All were on
their best behavior.
Eleanor had a table of 6, 3 couples. At the end of the meal
and the bills were presented there was quite a bit of snickering
a lot of whispering and hushed chatter. After much shuffling
2 of the coupes left, and only one couple remained. The girl was
digging in her purse but something was clearly wrong.
As they were sliding out of the horse shoe shaped booth
Eleanor approached the table and asked the kids if everything
was OK? Out of the corner of her eye she could see her tip that
being left by this last couple... it was change as in pennies nickels
and dimes.
Eleanor asked the 2 kids if this was all the money that had
for the rest of the night, and the young man sheepishly said, "yes."
This young couple were then taught a lesson in a way only my
friend Eleanor could teach it. Eleanor picked up the changed
that had been left as a tip and the bill too.She told these children that this
should be a night to remember and when planning things like this
you should always try to be prepared for the unexpected, She went onto
say that they were leaving all of their money with nothing to spare and
the night was still young. There was not even any left to buy a Coke
She told the kids to have a wonderful night and enjoy themselves
and that she would take care of the bill. The kids walked out of the
restaurant in disbelief.
The following week a man came into the restaurant looking
for Eleanor
but FIRST demanding to see the owner. It was the father of the young
man. He proceeded to tell the owner the story of what had happened
and what a wonderful lesson Eleanor had taught those children.
Lessons about many things
I think the list goes on....
He then gave Eleanor the money for the meal and a $50.00 tip!
I often wonder if those young kids lives were at all changed by the
lesson they were taught that evening by my friend Eleanor with her
wonderful karma?

but FIRST demanding to see the owner. It was the father of the young
man. He proceeded to tell the owner the story of what had happened
and what a wonderful lesson Eleanor had taught those children.
Lessons about many things
I think the list goes on....
He then gave Eleanor the money for the meal and a $50.00 tip!
I often wonder if those young kids lives were at all changed by the
lesson they were taught that evening by my friend Eleanor with her
wonderful karma?
