Take This Personality Test Based on Carl Jung's and Isabel Briggs Myers

Posted by Cindy Bolley
Jul 14, 2022
I took a test online today that was very similar to the test that I took about 25 years ago. I was surprised to find the results were still the same today as they were 25 years ago.

I am not sure if that means that I was all grown up 25 years ago.. or that I have not yet grown up!

This is a personality test. It can be used to determine what would be a good career choice for you. Personally I think that it should be given to high School students, and not just one year. Perhaps as a freshman and then given again as a senior.

This free test is based on Carl Jung's and Isabel Briggs Myers' topological approach to personality. Take the free test yourself and see if you learn anything about yourself, or if you agree with the results.


I am a ISFJ.... What are you?
Brain, Mind, Psychology, Idea, Drawing
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