Solar Water Heaters FAQs: Everything You Need Know.

Jan 28, 2020
Whenever you decide to purchase any product for your home, you give special attention, and take enough time to decide whether to buy it or not. Very often, people ask many questions regarding solar water heaters.. For example, Why to install a solar water heating system for home? How it is beneficial for me? Does this work in any climate? 

Therefore, in this article, here are six FAQs that have been answered for you.

Question #1. How exactly does a solar water heater work?

A solar water heater collects the solar energy with the help of a solar collector to heat the water and the insulated tank stores the hot water. During the day time, the solar collectors ensure the maximum absorption of the solar energy to keep the water heated and pump the water into the storage tank for later usage.

Question #2. How to install a solar water heater for home?

A solar water heater does not require any added space in your house. An open area is enough to install them. Generally, the rooftop is a perfect place to install the system as they can get an adequate amount of sunlight throughout the day to heat the water.

Question #3. How to maintain a solar water heating system?

Domestic solar water heaters need little maintenance. With little care, the solar water heater can last long. Prevent the solar water heater from any shade to ensure that it gets enough sunlight throughout the day. Wipe out the dust from the solar collector. Check the water storage tanks for any leakages or cracks.

Question #4. How does a solar water heating system work in bad weather conditions?

The solar water heating systems are manufactured with high quality evacuated tubes which ensures maximum absorption of the solar energy even in less sunlight. Therefore, they can provide hot water in any climate throughout the year.

Question #5. How much money you can save by switching over to a solar water heater?

Many studies have proven that switching to the domestic solar water heaters can save up to 70% of your electric consumption, hence, you can save a huge amount of money.

Question #6. How does the solar water heating system help the environment?

Out of many other benefits, solar water heaters are beneficial for the environment. The solar water heaters do not emit any harmful gas, unlike other conventional heating appliances. Since the system directly absorbs the sunlight, therefore it reduces the emission of carbon footprint.

So, we hope that the above mentioned answers will help you decide whether to buy your domestic solar water heaters or not. Tell us in the comment section below.
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