Pitbull blue breed

Posted by Yemi B.
Aug 27, 2016
Blue nose pitbulls has become one of the most popular coat and nose color variation of the breed. As dog breeders become smarter and skillful in marketing their dogs, they are realizing that they can easily increase their bottom line by marketing their dogs on the platform of certain “noble physical traits or attributes” and portraying these traits as unique, rare or outstanding.

Before we take a closer look at the blue nose pitbull, it is essential to have some basic understanding of the pitbull in order for us to easily put things in clearer perspective.

The pitbull does not refer to a single breed but rather it is a collection of different breeds. Pitbulls are usually associated with menacing looking dogs with large head, powerful jaws with muscular body. However quite a number of dog breeds fit into this description such as American bulldogs, bull terriers, Staffordshire bull terrier, Boston terrier, bullmastiffs and boxers.

However the ideal way to identify a true pitbull is to consider the lineage of the breed of which only the American Staffordshire terrier (AmStaff) and the American pitbull terrier (APBT) qualifies as true pitbulls.

Blue nose pitbulls are either APBT or AmStaff with blue coat and/or blue nose. These are not a specific breed but the product of recessive genes. The recessive genes are responsible for the color pigmentation of the skin and nose.

In order to breed a pitbull blue both parent must at least be carriers of the recessive genes or must be blue nose themselves and the pup must inherit each of the recessive genes of both parents to form the pair of genes that produces the blue traits.

In order to be certain that the pups produced are blue nose pit bulls both parents must be blue nose themselves rather than mere carriers of the blue traits which only increases the chances that the pups may be blue nose but does not guarantee a 100% that they will be blue nose pit bulls.

This recessive trait results in pitbulls with color that range from silver blue to grey or deep charcoal; the absence of black pigment as a result of the recessive gene is the cause of the gray shades in the blue nose pitbull. This is the fundamental difference between the blue nose pitbulls and other pitbulls of different coat color.


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