Liver Disease in Dogs

Posted by Yemi B.
Sep 2, 2016
Canine Liver Disease Foundation says that liver disease in dogs is one of the top 5 causes of non accidental deaths of dogs. The liver, both in humans and dogs is a very important and complex organ of the body that carries out several essential tasks needed for the continuation of life.

The liver is an extremely important organ in a dog’s body and in terms of size it is the second largest after the skin. It is laden with heavy responsibilities such as producing the essential building blocks for the dog’s body.

Some of the essential functions of the liver include:
  • It metabolizes amino acids
  • Blood clotting and produces digestive enzymes
  • Metabolizes lips and carbohydrates
  • Harmful compounds in the bloodstreams is extracted by the liver
  • Does the work of breaking down of the drugs that is administered to a dog
  • Stores and produces vitamins K, A,E and D
  • Detoxification of poisons and waste in the body
  • Stores nutrients and energy
  • Regulates blood sugar by converting glycogen to glucose
  • Produces bile which aids in digestion

Liver disease in dogs can easily result in a brain condition called hepatic encephalopathy (a neurological condition with obvious changes in behavior such as aimless circling or pacing and head pressing) if not detected early enough and can even death.

Because most of the symptoms of liver disease in dog are very similar to the symptoms of some other diseases it may be difficult to tell if a dog is suffering from liver disease merely by the observation of the symptoms. As a result this increases the probability that the liver problem may be noticed when the liver damage becomes severe and large part of it has been destroyed; at this point liver failure is just around the bend.

That notwithstanding it is essential that very dog owner should at least know the symptoms associated with liver disease in dogs and to know when to visit the vet when some of the symptoms of liver disease in dogs become visible in his dog.

In the early stages, symptoms of liver disease in dogs are not really specific; however signs like weight loss, loss of appetite and excessive drinking and urinating may be indications that your dog may be suffering from liver disease.

Liver disease in dogs in its early stages results in the swelling and enlargement of the liver and as the disease spreads, the liver cells begins to die until it gets to the point where the liver becomes firm and rubbery, at which point the liver has reached a terminal point and no longer reversible. It is only after about 80% of liver cells are dead that the liver starts to fail.

Symptoms that directly suggest liver disease in dogs:
  • Jaundice
  • Grayish, soft feces
  • Blood in the urine and stool
  • Intolerance to antibiotics, sedatives and anesthesia
  • Abdominal distension caused by liver enlargement
Symptoms that indirectly suggest liver disease in dogs:
  • Loss of weight become visible the moment the liver is beginning to fail in its responsibilities.
  • General weakness
  • Loss of interest in food
  • Diarrhea
  • Labored breathing
  • Vomiting
  • Seizures
  • Dehydration
  • Progressive lethargy such as your dog becoming less and less playful
  • Swollen stomach that appears to be filled with fluid
  • Pain around the abdomen which you can check by lifting your dog with your arms under his belly

It is worth stating that symptoms will vary from dog to dog and it’s usually a function of the cause of the liver disease.

Some possible causes of liver disease in dogs:
  • Viral infections, parasitic infections, bacterial infections and fungal infection
  • Inflammation
  • Cancer
  • Toxic reaction
  • Genetic abnormalities and sometimes aging
  • Side effects from the use of some medicine
  • Bile duct disease
  • Vascular abnormalities
  • Hepatitis
  • Pancreatitis
  • Anemia
  • Nutritional imbalance
  • Trauma
  • Diabetes
  • Fatty foods
  • Chronic infection may lead to liver disease
  • Roundworm and heartworms.

The foregoing are some of the known symptoms and causes of liver disease in dogs but by no means an entire list.

Liver Disease in Dogs: The Alternative Treatment

Dog facts

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