New Strategies Are Must To Bring Down Cases of HIV/AIDS Infections Further
HIV is one of the most dangerous infections affecting mankind today and has been responsible for millions of deaths globally since the time the virus was first discovered. However, over the years, tremendous progress has been made in controlling and managing the disease resulting in an overall decline of new cases across the world.
A Focused Prevention Strategy Is Needed
However, there is more to be done. AIDS and HIV prevention can be achieved only if new strategies are applied on an ongoing basis. It is apparent from data available infections are still happening among the high-risk group who do not follow safe sexual practices. To bring down infection levels further down, there is a need to develop a more focused prevention strategy.
Suspected cases of infections must be referred to STD/AIDS testing clinics that are equipped with the latest diagnosis technologies and systems for quick and accurate identification of the virus. This is the primary step in the prevention and treatment process of the infection.
Awareness Programs
Another key component of the STD/AIDS prevention strategy involves the creation of an awareness program for targeting those sections or groups that do not have access to any support system. Data must be gathered about vulnerable populations that may be at a high risk of catching sexually transmitted diseases because of their ignorance of what are the causative factors of such diseases. They must be educated about how one can easily prevent them by adhering to some basic precautions.
There is also the need to assess the results of any new HIV/AIDS prevention strategy and modify the approach to make it more result-oriented. It is observed that some sections of the society might not have ready access to testing facilities. It is also possible that the ones available are not fully-equipped or capable of carrying out testing using the latest technology, equipment, or methodology.
STD/AIDS testing clinics and facilities for quick and discreet testing are available for those living in cities. However, those who live in remote areas and at a fair distance from the main cities have to travel some distance to avail of these facilities. This disparity must also be addressed urgently.
STD Express Clinic is one of the best STD/AIDS testing clinics in Arlington VA and offers fast and confidential testing facilities. You can get tested for all types of sexually transmitted diseases here discreetly. The clinic also offers an STD treatment facility for those who test positive.
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