Monel Pipes at Instinox
Monel is a nickel – copper alloy. It contains (65-70%) nickel, (20-29%) copper and it also contains (5%) iron and manganese and other compounds. Monel pipes have very high resistance levels to corrosion as well as to different types of acids. Another plausible characteristic of Monel pipes is that they have a low coefficient of thermal expansion. Due to its high corrosion resistance levels Monel pipes are widely used in a variety of marine applications. Monel Pipes at Instinox also exhibit good weldability and high strength capabilities. Along with its good weldability and high strength Monel pipes are also proven to have good mechanical properties from sub-zero temperatures up to 1020*F. A variety of tempers may also be used to increase the strength of Monel pipes if needed. Instinox being Monel Pipes Manufacturers provides you with best quality & services.