Duplex Pipes at Instinox
Duplex is a chemical composition which is a mixture of
approximately equal parts of ferrite and austenite. The mixture of these
components makes the Duplex pipes twice as strong as regular austenitic or
ferritic stainless pipes. Duplex pipes show excellent stress corrosion cracking
resistance (SCC). Duplex
Pipes at Instinox are resolute and tough and can manage temperatures up to
minus 80 degrees C. The strength of the Duplex pipes makes it possible to weld
on the thicker sections of the pipe. However, this should be done with
uttermost care. These pipes offer high strength which in turn leads to weight
saving. Compared to most pipe in the industry, Duplex pipes have one of the
best price stability. Due to its low cost and weight saving, in the recent
years, Duplex pipe have been growing in popularity as an alternative to nickel
alloy based pipes. Instinox being Duplex Pipes Manufacturers provides you with
best quality & services