Duplex Sheets at Instinox
Duplex sheets promote excellent resistance to corrosion as
well has had very high mechanical strength. The corrosion resistance properties
are said to be inherited from its ferritic side. Duplex came to be known as
“duplex” because of their two-phase microstructure which consists of grains of
both, ferritic and austenitic stainless steel. In recent years it is said that Duplex
sheets are slowly being used as an alternative to nickel alloy sheets. Duplex
Sheets at Instinox are twice as strong as regular austenitic or ferritic
stainless sheets. Our duplex sheets have become one of our bestselling sheets
because our Duplex sheets are not only light weight but have high strength
capabilities as well, they also have excellent resistance to stress corrosion
cracking and have a lower price making them extremely cost effective. Instinox
being Duplex Sheets Manufacturers provides you with best quality &