Innovation Along With Pace
Humans are always attached to speed. They love speed no matter if it is in typing, internet or anything else,The same thing happened with the Ethernet as the need of Speed has increased but the Innovation has not been upto the mark. This technology is considered as the most demanded technology by far needs. But still unfortunately its not that revolutionary.
Jon William Toigo the director of Ethernet has stated
“Originally described by IEEE in 2010 as 802.3ba, noteworthy as the first standard that covered two speeds of Ethernet in one document, subsequent refinements in 802.3bg (2011), 802.3bj (2014) and last year’s 802.3bm elicited scarcely a yawn in the trade press. Like space shuttle missions, it seemed that “standards fatigue” had set in.
Ethernet technology has disappointed a big deal, with needs increased, companies are trying to build chipsets 10GbE on the motherboards along with 10GbE switch ports which will increase the efficiency of Ethernet cables, by almost double.
Abruptly, the switch and NIC vendors are turning up the volume on the dire need to send 40GbE and 100GbE innovations. Once more, the undeniable contention — changing systems administration necessities — is clear to anybody saturated with the dark craft of wires and links and interconnects. With the greater part of that 10GbE movement going ahead at the edge (inside subnets and amongst servers), and with the expansion of cloud changing (associations with dispersion changes to and from cloud administration suppliers), additional data transfer capacity is only the thing to keep the things running.
He further added “When I survey the horizon, I really see memory stuff as the killer app. I’m not talking about flash: it has had its moment and shot its shot. I am talking about the new memory bus architectures being pushed to the fore by Intel and others that promise to support in-memory databases beyond the smallish analytics variety. OLTP in memory is what SAP is going for, as are Oracle and Microsoft. New buses will enable new support for these beasties. Plus, when you look at what some of the software-defined storage ISVs are doing right now, the need for 100GbE support becomes obvious.”
We remember using internet on less than one Mb, needs were less. We live in a fast pace world, no one can afford to stay being office, studies and other updates. Fast internet matters a lot in every aspect of life. So we badly need networking technologies to touch 40GbE and more.