How to Sync Files with OneDrive Sync Client on Windows?

Posted by Maria Williams
May 9, 2018

Now-a-days, the users could easily access their files stored on their device by sitting at any corner of the world. To do so, the users need to sync their device files on the cloud storage, using the OneDrive, a collaboration tool included within the Microsoft Office.

For utilizing the collaboration tools i.e. OneDrive included within the Office Productivity Suite by Microsoft, the users need to download the Office Setup to their device through the link: And then, install the new OneDrive sync client of Windows version to their device. Thus, to provide the help to the Office users, I am going to detail the easiest way to sync files with OneDrive Sync client on Windows device in this article.

The users could easily access and work with these sync files and folders either in offline or online mode. In Online mode, the changes made by the users automatically get synced on the OneDrive.

Steps for syncing the device files to the OneDrive sync client on Windows device are as follow:

1.       First of all, sign in to the OneDrive tool of the Office Setup.

2.       To do so, launch the “Microsoft OneDrive” desktop application on the Windows device by following the path as shown below:

Start button >> Microsoft OneDrive

3.       And then, enter the email address associated with the Microsoft Office Account.

4.       After this, hit the “Sign In” button.

5.       After signing in to the Microsoft OneDrive Account, the users will be able to see two panels on the OneDrive Sync Client, as listed below:

a.       This is your OneDrive Folder:

o   Here, click the “Next” button for accepting the default location for OneDrive files.

o   Else, the users may change the location by clicking the “Change Location” option.

b.      Sync files from your OneDrive:

                                                    i.      On this screen, select the entire files & folders that the users want to sync on their OneDrive Client on Windows device.

                                                   ii.      After this, tap the “Next” button.

Thus, the device files and folders get sync through the OneDrive Sync Client on Windows.

Maria Williams is a renowned technical writer. She has been keeping a strict vigil over the updates and errors of various anti-virus and security software. Through her blogs and articles, she strives to deliver the precise and useful information to the users that further help them in troubleshooting or fixing the minor or major issues.

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