How the treatment plant works at municipal wastewater treatment process?

Posted by Clear Ion
Aug 17, 2020
Wastage of water is a primary concern in India and the same is the case with the scarcity of water in India, we all know the importance of water in the human as well as in the life of animals and plants therefore water scarcity should be taken as a very major concern. There are places in India that are seen struggling with the problems of severe drought almost throughout the year.

In such a situation it becomes very essential to put the wastewater to reuse as reusing the wastewater further reduces the need for water for all the purposes. It is the wastewater treatment that further makes the water fit to be taken into use once again.

So, here we will talk about everything associated with the wastewater, we will see the process of treatment that is followed for the purification and we will also see the process through which the wastewater treatment plant works.

Wastewater Introduction:

The water that comes out after being used for domestic purposes for industrial purposes, agricultural purposes, and also for the purpose of transportation and medical purposes is called the wastewater.

It is given the name of wastewater as the water that comes out after fulfillment of all these purposes shows deterioration in its quality, temperature, and also composition, and therefore due to these changes, it cannot be taken into further use without proper treatment.

Now that we have gone through the basic introduction of the wastewater we shall now move the discussion of the various types of wastewaters.

There are normally three types of wastewater those three types of water are as follows:

  • Sewage water: This type of wastewater usually comes out of the households such as from the places like toilets, showers, and also the sinks of the kitchen.
  • Industrial wastewater:  This type of wastewater as suggested by the name is produced out of the production and manufacturing process that is followed by the industries and factories at large commercial scales.
  • Municipal wastewater:  This type of wastewater comes out of the municipalities, it is actually a mixture of both the sewage as well as the industrial wastewater also in the mixture one may find unabsorbed rainwater and all of this mixture of different types of wastewater is then termed as municipal wastewater that generally flows out through the public sewers.

Here we will mainly focus on the discussion of workings of the municipal treatment process; here everyone will be easily able to understand one step after the other that is taken for the treatment of wastewater at municipal cooperation.

The steps followed at the municipal wastewater treatment process are as follows:

  • First of all, through the main sewer system, the wat4er is released into the wastewater treatment plant wit5h the help of gravity.  This step is given the name of primary treatment or pre-treatment.
  • Then in the next step, all the grit of the water is given a settlement as the water crosses through the gravel chamber. All the waste is then disposed of at the dump yard.
  • Then in the next step using the bar screen all the large in size objects are removed from the wastewater.
  • After that, with the help of the fine screens, the smaller in size objects and all the unwanted elements are removed from the water.
  • The next stage of the treatment that is the sedimentation stage is called the primary treatment during this process the water flows into the primary tanks.
  • After that, the secondary treatment that is also known as the biological stage as it is conducted through natural processes takes the charge and during this stage, the extra sludge is thrown out.
  • The remaining sludge is then settled and transported into the digestion tanks so that it can be given the further needed treatment.
  • As part of the further treatment of the sludge it is heated and mixed, this gives production to the biogas that can be further taken into reuse in many ways.
  • Then in the next step, the water is drawn out of the semi-solid sludge and that drawn-out water is then taken further for more treatment and semi-solid waste is kept under mechanical dewatering.
  • Then at the final step, the wastewater is given a proper inspection and after that, it is ensured that the water has been treated as per the standards.

For any further information associated with the wastewater management in India, it is best to get in touch with the water purification and treatment service experts available at Clear Ion.

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