How right food matters for studies during exam?
It would not be wrong to say that exam fear has been in trend since time immemorial, and surprisingly it has remained unchanged! Doesn’t matter how brilliant a student is, exam time injects the fear in one and all. Even after attending motivational speeches, listening to loads of advice, and sitting through presentations on how to tackle exam tension, each and every child undergoes some degree of mental stress resulting in nervousness, blackout, panic, palpitation, and mood swings. Often times these changes also lead to eating disorder during exams. Some children may reduce their food intake, whereas others may consume twice or thrice their regular diet. Though unintentionally, but dietary change further disturbs the bodily equilibrium. So, it becomes imperative to maintain a good diet during exams, no matter how tensed the child is. Just like how the charity for children, The Akshaya Patra Foundation maintains the nutrition level in all their meals, no matter what is the menu and which location it is being served at.
Being cognizant of the core role of NGOs in the mid-day meal sector, Akshaya Patra ensures that through its school lunch programme it meets the main objectives of the Mid-Day Meal Scheme, i.e.:
• avoid classroom hunger
• increase school enrolment
• increase school attendance
• improve socialisation among castes
• address malnutrition
• empower women through employment
This charity for children understands the importance of right nutritional balance for the proper growth and development of children. Over the 17 years of serving mid-day meals, the NGO has also witnessed the positive impact of a well-balanced diet on the level of concentration, health, and activeness among children. Hence, a meticulous and detailed menu is designed by including variety of items in the meal menu while adhering to the nutritional and dietary norms stated by the Central Mid-Day Meal Scheme. In addition, each kitchen of Akshaya Patra complies with standard operational processes and maintains utmost cleanliness and hygiene while preparing and delivering cooked meals.
Not just with regards to mid-day meal, but meals at home must be well-balanced too. Here are some quick tips about healthy eating during exams:
• Smart snack at regular intervals – Instead of forcing down food during three big meals, it is wise to take breaks for small meals at regular intervals. Children must snack smartly by including items such as fruits, toast spread with peanut butter, vegetable sandwich, fresh juice, etc.
• Choose real instead of supplementary – Dietary supplements may sound convenient and good, but real food is always better. Hence, peeling an orange for Vitamin C is more beneficial than opening a pill case. Eating fresh fruits and salad vegetables will provide children with all the required nutrients like iron, B Vitamins, Vitamin C, protein, calcium, beta-carotene, antioxidants, fibre, and much more.
• Drink water – It is very important to keep the body hydrated else it may lead to fatigue and lack of ability to focus. Hence, drinking lots of water and fluid intake such as fresh juices, and milk becomes a must.
As a process of self-evaluation, Akshaya Patra at regular intervals conducts impact studies in partnership with third-party evaluators. These impact studies also bring to fore the important role of NGOs and the impact they are creating in general along with Akshaya Patra’s contribution in particular. In one such study conducted by Sigma Research and Consulting Pvt. Ltd. titled as ‘Assessment of mid-day meal programme in 8 states 2014’ states that the mid-day meals provided by Akshaya Patra fulfilled the recommended nutritional requirements while also being healthy and hygienic.
Well, as the exam begins in private schools so it begins in government schools too. And, interestingly the intention of students in both private and government schools is the same – to score good marks and come out in flying colours. Hence, support the cause of Akshaya Patra because by contributing towards mid-day meal you will indirectly donate for education in India too. So, contribute today and help children to receive adequate nutrition for this exam season and beyond.