How LOCF can empower 21st Century's skills learning in Higher Education
The ultimate aim of Higher Education is to produce a skilled workforce with global competencies who can contribute to face the challenges of a dynamic global economy. So, with the changes in the needs of the global economy, it becomes necessary to reform the education practices of Higher Education to ensure growth of the nation and the world. Curriculum is the backbone of the academic system, so to make the students attain 21st Century Education skills, the revision of Curriculum has become the need of the hour to foster quality Higher Education. UGC, has issued a “Quality Mandate” book that emphasizes the designing of outcomes-oriented academic practices that can ensure the holistic development of students. The Learning Outcomes-based Curriculum Framework (LOCF) is a pioneer initiative of UGC that empowers student-centric learning in Higher Education by including various field works, lab tasks, brainstorming, discussions and many creative components that can relate academic knowledge to real life experiences.
Now Let’s Understand LOCF in detail:
The LOCF approach “makes the student an active learner; the teacher a good facilitator and together they lay the foundation for lifelong learning”. “The idea behind LOCF is to decide the desired outcome within the framework of the current Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) for undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, and then design the curriculum to obtain these outcomes. The outcomes will be determined in terms of skills, knowledge, understanding, employability, graduate attributes, attitudes, values, etc., gained by students upon the completion of the course,” said by UGC.
Its main focus is to make the expectations from students clear in terms of their knowledge, understanding and application skills by the end of their programme and the degree should be awarded on the basis of competencies achieved. LOCF specifies that the Curriculum of a program should be planned and designed considering the formulated graduate attributes, qualification descriptors, programme learning outcomes and course learning outcomes that are supposed to be demonstrated by the graduates and builds the accountability of program in terms of learning standards and outputs among prospective students and parents.
These outcomes are developed to promote flexibility, mobility and global competitiveness in learners.
Graduate Attributes:
The graduate attributes are the outcomes that reflect the expected competencies including knowledge, skills, attitudes and values from the graduates of Higher Education Institutes. These capabilities ensure to prepare youth with globally compatible skills and a responsible citizen of society. LOCF is based on the concept that every student has unique needs and interests. So, his learning should also be unique in terms of disciplinary and generic horizons. Following are the important generic attributes that ensure holistic learning of students from a program.
Source: UGC Website
Qualification descriptors for a Bachelor’s Degree programme:
A qualification descriptor indicates the wide-range of outcomes expected for the award of a Bachelor's degree in any discipline. These descriptors gauge the disciplinary as well as generic skills demonstrated by students in their academic landscape. The graduate young generation are expected to accomplish following learning outcomes according to UGC recommendations:
Source: UGC website
Programme learning outcomes
Program refers to the whole study scheme followed by students in their graduation journey. Program learning outcomes reflect the vivid results that are aligned with relevant qualification descriptors and which the students are required to demonstrate for the successful accomplishment of certificate/diploma/degree. Program learning outcomes include the knowledge and skills required to prepare students for higher study, successful employment and social responsibility.
Course learning outcomes
The programme learning outcomes are achieved when the students acquire the learning of selected courses. Course learning outcomes are aligned with program learning outcomes and are the learning results of individual disciplinary or interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary courses. Mapping between course outcomes is done with Program outcomes to present the level of accomplishment of Program outcomes.
The table given below, shows the structure of the mapping matrix of Program learning outcomes and Course learning outcomes.
Teaching - learning process
The outcomes-based education framework demands the student-centric teaching-learning practices that can ensure that students will attain the pre-established outcomes in the course of their learning. So it has become important to tailor the pedagogy for the acquisition of knowledge and skills of the learners. Practical teaching approaches such as field-based learning, project work, brainstorming sessions, internship etc. that can support the bridging between theory and its applications are appreciated.
Assessment methods
Formative assessment is encouraged under the framework outcome-based learning. The performance of students in all academic activities including; closed-book and open-book tests; problem-based assignments; practical assignment laboratory reports; observation of practical skills; individual project reports (case-study reports); team project reports; oral presentations, including seminar presentation; viva voce interviews; etc. is mapped with the predefined learning outcomes to judge the level of accomplishment of the outcomes.
Learning outcome-based curriculum framework is one of the significant academic reforms offered by UGC to elevate the quality of teaching and research in Higher Education Institutes. iCloudEMS offers best-in class cloud-based services to automate the Higher Education Institutes and bring the best of education practices with a couple of clicks only. We commit to bring the digital revolution in the Education sector with our cutting-edge products and managed services. Our break-through utilities including OBE supported Learning management systems empower student-centric education to improve the learning environment and make the best utilization of academic resources. Our smart features digitize the outcomes designing and mapping with all the imperative academic components to ease the flawless implementation of Outcome based Education.