Choice based Credit system (CBCS): A Vision to redesign Education System
The University Grants Commission (UGC) has taken many initiatives from time to time, for the comprehensive development of the Higher Education System. With the introduction of New Education Policy (NEP) by The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt. of India, CBCS has become the buzzword issued by UGC and followed by Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) that unwraps excellent opportunities to accomplish the learning outcomes of the education.
What is Choice based Credit system (CBCS)?
CBCS is a flexible methodology of learning. In accordance with the regulations of CBCS, students are free to choose their courses from the approved categories, incorporating core, elective or skill-based courses. CBCS pushes the envelope for holistic development of youth by showing them routeways to ability enhancement and skill development by learning the courses of their interest beyond the core subjects.
Need of Choice based Credit system (CBCS)
UGC has always aimed to bring equity, efficiency and academic excellence in the Higher Education System by taking innovative measures in continuous improvement of course curricula, pedagogical practices, examination and evaluation system. Our traditional evaluation system is based on the marks or percentage which obstructs the students’ learning in terms of their choice and mobility, which results in unconfident and under-skilled youth. So, it has become a fundamental necessity to develop a student-centric education strategy and adopt a world-wide followed evaluation system. In light of the present alarming situations, UGC proposed the implementation of CBCS in Universities and devised the practical solutions considering their flexibility and freedom in designing vital academic elements. CBCS will open up the gates of the global mobility and learning of students with best educational practices.
Advantages of Choice based Credit system (CBCS)
∙ CBCS provides a paradigm shift in the Education model from the teacher-centred to learner-centric.
∙ CBCS allows students to embark on the credits, they can put up with in a semester without any compulsion to earn the fix credits
∙ CBCS provides flexibility to students to learn inter-disciplinary, intra-disciplinary and skill-oriented subjects of their own choice and at their own pace
∙ CBCS brings global uniformity in the grading system where students are allowed to earn the combined credits of their chosen courses.
∙ CBCS empowers the worldwide education of students and eases their institutional transfer of credits, if someone chooses to study at different institutions at different times.
How iCloudEMS simplifies the implementation of Choice based Credit system (CBCS) in HEIs?
NEP has emphasised on the holistic development of a child and bridging the gap between academia and industry. So, the accurate implementation of CBCS has become the need of the hour for effective transformation of the Education system.
iCloudEMS assists the institutes in putting their efforts into practice towards methodical execution of CBCS guidelines with its following salient attributes:
Interactive dashboards for the students to opt their desired core and elective subjects.
Cloud platform to create and manage units of students to store their data and records in conjunction with their opted courses.
Intelligent approach towards the effortless course and respective faculty allotment.
Innovative credits assignment and calculation techniques for different course combinations.
Computerization of imperative academic operations such as timetable generation, assignment uploading, attendance taking and many more.
Endorsement of student-centric learning with its unique features to design and map learning outcomes with students’ performance.
iCloudEMS takes the utmost care of visionary requirements of HEIs and offers unified solutions to upgrade the institutes on par with global academic standards.
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