How Doctors in Arlington VA are Helping People deal with the Corona Outbreak
Life throws rather unpleasant surprises at us willy-nilly, such as the present outbreak of CoViD- 19, which can severely impact our daily lives. With a majority of countries across the world on the brink of a total lockdown, we must find ways to adjust to the changing scenario as fast as we can.
Why CORONA virus is so dangerous
The very fact that CoViD- 19 belongs to the family of CORONA viruses makes it highly contagious. We have experienced the rapid spread of influenza or common cold. Similarly, CoViD-19 also spreads rapidly irrespective of age, sex, or demographic and cultural factors.
All medical fraternity members, including nurses and doctors in Arlington VA, are working relentlessly to stop the spread of Corona virus infection. There are several guidelines in place, such as social distancing, maintenance of hand hygiene, and the use of masks being recommended by department of healthcare.
The reason why the Novel Corona virus infection is more serious than other similar infections is its higher mortality rate which is hovering around four percent in many countries. Unlike other infections, a corona virus infected person can spread the virus even if he or she is not showing any symptoms.
Secondly, many individuals who are elderly, diabetic, and hypertensive with a history of chronic respiratory illnesses are more likely to succumb to the CoViD- 19 infection.
It is very important to be vigilant about symptoms of novel corona virus infection. The first and foremost thing to do in case of any doubt is to approach your family physician or an urgent care center. You can easily locate an established clinic for family urgent care near Arlington VA or in any other locality as per your choice.
Knowing the vital symptoms of CoViD infection
Just like any other infection, a person with corona virus infection can present with a high fever. However, there are few classical symptoms to be aware of. These include difficulty of breath, which is not of a temporary nature. Sometimes one may experience shortness of breath due to the sudden onset of anxiety or exercise.
In case of corona virus infection, patients experience this symptom for a considerably prolonged period of time. If you or any member of your family is having this symptom, then it would be advisable to approach any one of the experienced doctors in Arlington VA.
Loss of taste or smell is yet another symptom reported by a considerable majority of patients who were suffering from the CoViD- 19 infection according to a doctor from a family urgent care near Arlington VA. However, this cannot be termed as a classic symptom because it is also reported by patients who have got other infections such as flu or common cold.
If the disease is not treated in the early stages, the patient may face a lot of health issues. Therefore, it is very important to get in touch with any one of the reputed doctors in Arlington VA without losing precious time.