Five tips for MUN Event Organizer in India
This walk-through will help you get started in organizing your MUN OC/CC. You will be remembered for organizing a MUN that is unforgettable.
It takes a lot of work to make a MUN conference run smoothly. Good planning is the key to not failing badly. Before you can organize a MUN, there are 5 things that you must do in the planning phase.
Take a piece of paper and do some math. Make a rough estimate of how many delegates you expect. You must ensure that you have enough resources to support all the committees.
Consider which committees are most important to you. There are the crowd favorites: DISEC and ECOSOC. UNHRC is another. There are also the more exciting events, such as the G20s and G8s or Bilderberg Conference.
Once you have established your councils, it is time to plan the agenda and topic for each committee. Modern councils are generally in the green. However, you should remember that there have been many MUNs with the same Historic Council topics as yours. Give it some thought.
Executive Board
Decide who will be your Secretary General, Deputy Secretary, Charge DFS, USG, and other conference staff. While you may be familiar with your subject, ensure they are experienced and well-versed in UN norms. They do not have to be part your organizing school or university. It is a huge plus to have a built-in BS recognition program.
Once you are confident about the conference, invite applicants for the EB and start PR work.
A great Press team is essential for smooth-reading conference newsletters. A seasoned IP Head and Editor in Chief are essential. These people will likely have good ideas about who they want to see in the team.
Talk to the Press to create a plan for coverage. It will save you a lot of time later.
This stage is where you decide on the awards for the conference. Although the delegates don’t require it, it can be helpful. It is tempting to spend too much on the prize money. You should go for it.
You will need one. It is a good time to get one right now.
You can choose the procedure that you prefer and send it to your delegates. You have the option of choosing from HMUN procedure or THIMUN, GMUN, or your own. It is not recommended for beginners. It can be a little finicky.
Study guides
This is more an EB thing. It should still be on your checklist. Your EB must finalize the background guides to their topics. You are responsible for distributing it to the delegates. It will be done on time.
This should be done before you start writing the content. It is important to market and sell your conference as quickly and as hard as possible. Get social, share amazing updates, and reach as many people as you can.
This is the most important thing, after all of the conference-related stuff. It is the most important thing that determines who the sponsors and delegates are next year. Good delegates choose the best conferences.
Send invitations to colleges, schools and universities early. These invitations may not need to be sent in tandem with your content details. These can be modified later. Your delegates should have sufficient time to plan, convince/coerce institutions and prepare.
Day before Event
You should also consider training workshops for the EB, even though they don't usually need it. Training workshops for delegates and administrators are another thing you should look into. However, most conferences work well without it.
It is important to have taken care of organizational details long ago. This is the time to get things done. You will need to allocate resources, infrastructure, stationery, newsletter printing, and possibly a photographer. You are most likely a photographer.
Pro Tips
Follow the schedule like...something unsavory. Delays are the worst thing.
The opening ceremonies give delegates an idea of what to expect. Don't allow people to rush around for anything if they don't have the time. Keep your cool, be professional and prepare in advance for the ceremony.
Closing ceremonies can be a bit more difficult. It is a little more difficult if there is a dignitary to deliver the speech or award. Make sure you have everything ready, including extra water bottles for guests and awards in the correct order. Small details matter.
Good indicators of a job done well are the post-meals and social moods. Plan carefully. Don't try to be too flexible. Always have a team of medical professionals on your side. Dizziness, nosebleeds and fainting are more common than you may think. A handful of ice will only get you so far.