Does Your Organization Also face Issues Regarding Inquiry Tracking?

Posted by Yoctel Solutions
Apr 26, 2018
Does Your Organization Face Below Issues? Inquiry Source? Do you know that from which Sources your inquiry has generated? Client Database? Do you have proper maintained details of your client? Inquiry Records? Do you still using Notepad or Excel Sheet for maintaining your Enquiry/Leads? Follow-Ups Details? 

Enquiry Source?
Do you know that from which Sources your enquiry has generated?

Student Database?
Do you have proper maintained details of your students?

Enquiry Records?
Do you still using Notepad or Excel Sheet for maintaining your Enquiries?

Follow-Ups Details?
Do you have proper details or history of the Enquiry follow-ups?

Follow-Ups Reminder?
Do you always need to keep checking follow-ups details?

Enquiry Status?
Do you know what is the current status of Enquiry/Leads generated against your each Course?

Counselor Performance?
Do you know that which counselor performance is better that other?

Best Time of getting daily inquiries?
Do you know what is the best time your counselors are receiving more Enquiries?

Proper Reports?
Do you have proper maintained reports for all generated Enquiries Follow-ups?

NO ???
Then above all described points can leads to Minimal Admission Ratio of your school/Institute Enquiry = Big opportunity

KOMM KIOSKa product from Yoctel is the simple and easy to use software tool to manage and keep tracking of the all inquiries generated through various sources for your school/institute and to overcome the complications of management those enquiries and their follow-ups in a very easy manner. “Komm Kiosk” has designed to save your valuable time and same time considered for cost effective solution too.

Every organization go through this issues that their generated enquiries doesn’t get recorded properly or not responded on proper time due to lack of enquiry management system or strong follow-up reminder system.

To overcome on these issues and considering every school/Institute needs, ‘YOCTEL’ has developed one very user friendly web-based solution called “KOMM KIOSK – An Enquiry Management System”.
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