Developing An Attitude Of Surplus And Not An Attitude Of Lack
Developing an attitude of surplus and not an attitude of lack is a critical factor in your on-line success business.
It is estimated that 1,244,449,601 computers are on the internet at any given time. Granted, some are unattended but many are not.
In 2005, the census bureau estimate that 11.33 million people were working from home in a home based business. That is almost ten years ago. Think of the number of home based businesses that are on-line today.
In reality, we are searching and hunting for prospects. This is our dilemma. We have a surplus of prospects that are waiting for us to contact them.
Why should the entrepreneur buy or purchase leads when this kind of customer surplus is available? Why are we begging every Tom, Dick, Harry, Susie, Grandma, or anyone we can to join our opportunity?
We have plenty of people looking for ways to make money from home, get out of debt, and become financially independent.
However, we continually bombard our prospects with gimmicks, scams, free offers, splash pages, videos, and every form of advertising we can conceive. We delay credit card billing, give introductory offers, and bend over backward to sell someone our opportunity.
If we would shift our attitude of lack to an attitude of surplus, we would change the network marketing business tremendously.
Listed below are some points for changing your attitude.
· Realize there are people who are looking for your opportunity.
· Change your attitude and mindset to having plenty from having a lack.
· When you develop an attitude of surplus, remind yourself to be there for your customer.
· Convince yourself there are plenty of people looking for your business. After all, the opportunity that you are promoting now, found you.
Years ago, I used to sell vacuums door to door. This was hard, but rewarding work. This is where I finally realized that in order to sell more vacuums I had to demonstrate the vacuum more and in order to demonstrate the vacuum more I had to knock on more doors.
I started knocking on a hundred doors a day. That is correct, 100 doors a day and not trying to sell my vacuum but to demonstrate the value and quality of an expensive appliance.
If I could demonstrate the vacuum three times, I would make a sale. Granted, easier said than done.
My network business is no different. If I need customers,
buyers, or prospects, I have to knock on more doors. In other words, I have to
change my mindset to surplus and learn how to drive people to my offer.
Check out how I get my customers for free. Last And Final Time
Comments (4)
Terry Warner
My Leads Call Me
John, Thanks.
Attitude is everything.
John H.
CDL Driver/Affiliate Marketing
I like that changing your attitude, I will try that!
Terry Warner
My Leads Call Me
Thanks for the kind words.
Chuck Bartok
Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing
Good to see you here Terry. Nice article