Debunking the 6 Myths Associated With Head Lice

Posted by Georgia Lice Center
Jul 25, 2018
Giving a proper caring routine to our hair is definitely a quintessential task. In today’s time, not everyone gets the time to nourish our hair and follow a healthy lifestyle. This heedlessness leads to hair fall, weakening of hair, dandruff and many more. One of the worst problems is a presence of lice in our hair. 

Many times, you have seen children scratching their head. There could be various reasons for this, but one of the most prevalent reason is the presence of head lice in your children’s hair. No one would ever like to welcome lice in their home, but this truth cannot be denied that they won’t go away just because you wish them to do. For the abolition of lice, it is mandatory to acquire service of head lice removal in Cumming.

Most schools follow a strict “No nit policy,” though many people firmly think it is not essential. This policy means that the school will not allow an infested children to attend school unless they don’t have any nits. During a professional hair lice treatment, a trained professional manually inspect the hair for nits and adult lice. Most salons recommend a family evaluation since lice usually infest several family members. Before going to the salon, you need to pay attention to the myths associated with the lice. 

1. Poor Hygiene and can be eradicated from soap and water:
Many people have this misconception that head lice can be eliminated with soap and water. But the truth is head lice are resistant to water and soap. Presence of head lice does not indicate poor hygiene because they can infect anyone regardless of their background or personal health.

2. Lice can fly from one head to another:
Head lice are unable to fly as they do not have wings. These organisms can be removed from the head by air movement and thus seems like they are flying. They cannot jump either.

3. Every infected person with head lice scratch or itch:
It is possible that initially, head lice infestation does not come up with any signs or symptoms for 4 to 6 weeks. It means that your child can have head lice but will begin itching only about one month later.

4. Head Lice prefer long hair:
Lice do not care whether you have long hair or bob cut. Lice thrive in hair, precisely on the blood they get through the scalp. If you are looking for the best salon that can remove head lice, then you can check by entering “head lice removal salons near me” on the web. The best salons of your area will reflect in the results. 

5. You can get lice from pets:
Lice cannot be conveyed from pets, neither pets get them from people.

6. If a child is scratching his head, it means the presence of head lice:
The itching does not solely indicate that someone has head lice. You can diagnose head lice if only you have seen a living louse. Nits or eggs are often empty shells and do not permit an active infestation. Sometimes, people mistakenly assume dandruff, sand, dust or hair gel droplets as nits. 

Sometimes, a person who is having lice does not get proper sleep which is a serious problem. A lack of sleep can result from having head lice. An infected person will not be able to concentrate properly at work or school. This problem appears if the scalp becomes too itchy, which therefore makes it daunting to fall asleep at night. Many people try to eliminate this problem at home itself by using an insecticide, but head lice get resistant to a few chemical products. If you visit the salon for the service of lice removal in Cumming, the experts will uproot this problem by using organic products. 
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