Cleaning Oil Spills on Cement

Posted by Steven Williams
Oct 7, 2013

 stains in the garageIf oil gets on concrete, it may cause a very messy and unsightly situation. The most common reason for oil to get on a cement floor is a leak from your automobile. I bet that every homeowner have experienced this problem. In other occasions oil spills may occur around boilers or heaters. According to carpet cleaning Melbourne specialists, no matter what is the cause for the spill, it is really important to act as soon as possible to prevent accidents. From one side the surface will become too slippery and from other side small kids may ingest the liquid. Here is how to react in case of an oil spill on cement.

 The first task is to place paper towels over the area of the spill. They will help to absorb the stain. Use rubber gloves to protect your hands. If the smell is too strong, you can open a window to bring some fresh air and ventilate the room. Leave the towels for some time and when they become soaked with the grease move them in a pile and place them to your garbage bin.

 When you have removed most of the liquid with the towels inspect the area for excess oil. Sometimes there will be still oil left and in this case you have to repeat the previous steps.

 Close the garbage bag so that no smell will be disturbing you and bring it to the outside bin away from home- it is not a good idea to keep potentially dangerous stuff in your home for long periods.

 Now, it is time to sprinkle good amount of an absorbent powder on the concrete to continue the oil removing process. Cleaning experts claim that you can either use talcum or baby powder. They both will do the job. An alternative to these powders are flour and cornstarch. 

 At this point you will have to allow the powder or flour/cornstarch to sit for some time on the stain depending on how serious it looks like. If the pollution seems large, it is best to leave the household cleaner to stay overnight. On the other hand, for small stains 2-3 hours usually will be enough for full recovery.

 Lastly, you should sweep what is left from the powder. Don't  worry, if the stain is still visible after all these steps. Sometimes you will have to add several times powder for best results. I hope that the mentioned tips will work for you and at the end only the memory of the oil stain will remain.


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