Bid Adieu to Water Leaks with Frameless Shower Door Sweeps
If you already have a frameless shower door sweep but, are still dealing with water leaks then
the only reason will be the aging and damage of the already installed sweep. Once shower water
starts to pool on the floor, then in the long run you will have to deal with mold and mildew
growth on the surface of the shower. Nevertheless, you can help yourself from such a grave
situation with the use of a high quality shower door sweep. Read on, to know the simple
procedure of replacing worn out and damaged shower door sweep with a new sweep.
pFOkUS brings forth a marvelous range of frameless shower door sweeps molded from clear
polycarbonate material. These sweeps deliver a strong and power packed grip on the bottom of
the shower doors, without letting any water to escape out. pFOkUS sweeps can be comfortably
pushed onto the bottom of the shower door. The sweeps have a beautiful finish with a seamless
and unique look. It is a sweep which refrains from sacrificing functionality, in spite of its
engaging finish.
While choosing the right type of shower door sweep, you can choose rigid fin sweep, soft fin
sweep or even replaceable soft fin sweep. The angle and type of the fin is important as it plays a
great role in keeping the water where it should be.
How to Replace a Frameless Shower Door Sweep
1. Frameless shower doors consist of sweeps, so that they can prevent the shower water
from escaping through the bottom of the door. The sweep will either be fixed to the
shower door with the help of screws, adhesives, or will be a ‘push-on’ type.
2. Observe the sweep and check how it is fixed to the bottom of the shower door.
Accordingly, either you can simply pull out the old sweep or carefully open the shower
door thorough the hinges and then undo the sweep without damaging the door.
3. If the sweep is of the ‘push-on’ type then with little effort, you can simply pull out the old
sweep. Otherwise, if the sweep is attached with screw, then it is important to carefully
unscrew it. In the presence of adhesive, you have to gradually scrap off the adhesive with
a putty knife.
4. Thereafter, considering the old sweep as a comparative guide, calculate its dimensions
and place an order for a frameless shower door sweep on pFOkUS online store. If you
wish to opt for 32”, 36” or 98” length of door sweep with a round soft fin of 7/16” then
place an order for frameless shower door sweep DS102. Once you receive the new
frameless shower door sweep, make sure that it’s length is same as the old one.
5. In case the new sweep is slightly longer than the old one, then cut it to the exact size with
a cutter knife and thereby, using sand paper smoothen out the edges of the sweep. Now,
use some soapy water or petroleum jelly to line the inside of the sweep track. This way,
the new sweep from pFOkUS will easily slide onto the bottom of the door.
To purchase an effective and fully functional frameless shower door sweep, contact us @
404.551.3308 or reach us @