Better results with less credits for everybody

Posted by Paula van Dun
Apr 12, 2013
Image Many people use URL rotators in Traffic Exchanges and most people have different programs in one rotator. In TEs it is not the best idea to use a rotator with dozens of different opportunities in them. It is a know fact that most people take action after viewing an opportunity or service multiple times. Watch below short animation:

I think you get my point now: by joining this free program you can promote all your favorite programs. Did I mention you can add your own programs too? You can even get sign ups when people do not join the downline builder but just click on a mug that peaks their interest. You can promote more with less credits, cut down the time earning credits. You can use a larger part of your time on content writing, building contacts and fine tuning promotions.

For your convenience you can download this free ebook "The Content Multiplier": it is a complete Step by Step Stategy for Content Generation and Distribution with a complete list of resources. Enjoy!

Another way to use your personal link to the SBT Downline Builder with your referral IDs is to use that link in signatures i.e. on forums and to post a link on your blog, your profile or your APSence ABC.

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Comments (2)
FES-EC Protection Pl...

Marketing Consultant & Distributor

Great piece of information. I am also looking for ways to explode the network marketing business. Thanks for the post.

May 8, 2013 1 Like Like it
Keyanna Barnett

Residual Income Blogger

Thanks for the info. :)
I purchased a domain in October 2012 & I'm looking for ways to promote & expand. This is very informative.

May 4, 2013 1 Like Like it
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