Rob Gehring from Trafficleads2incomeVM never gives up

The whole system is geared to build YOUR business or to get leads for your favorite affiliate program.
The program is excellent for newbies and anybody who wants to learn how to set up a lead capture page with auto responder. Member are guided in easy steps on how to do this and also how to make the most pit of their TL2I-VM membership.
I joined the program years ago when it was still TrafficLeads2Income. I join many programs. Usually I don't do much when joining something new. I wait to see if the program is a stayer and not a one day fly.
And than..... I sometimes forget all about it.
But Rob never gives up. He stays in touch with his members through mails, a blog and a skyperoom. From time to time he checks in with me through skype. Which is good since I miss many mails due to the huge amount of mails I receive.
Recently I received a mail with as title: is going to close in 6 days. That gave me a scare. Because although I did not do much with it, I thought it was a decent program when I joined.
So I visited the blog to read and found out that it emerged in something even better. This + the fact that Rob does not let me forget I joined, urged me to log-in again and to finally re-set up my lead capture page and auto responder.
I must say the new set up and idea of integrating a list building lead capture system really impressed me and engaged me to become more active with this program.
This is why: getting traffic is one thing but generate leads for sign ups or sales is an entire different story! Therefore I think a viral mailer with a building Lead capture system will prove to be very powerful!
So why don't you give it a try to? I am sure you will not be disappointed!